
Saturday, February 11, 2012

Looks Like I'm Not The Only Fan Of Arby's

Longtime DustBunnies know that my favorite fine-dining experience is, and will always be, Arby's. But I may have to reassess my feelings toward Roast Beef Heaven, because Rick 'Don't Google Me' Santorum is also a fan of of my fave Roast Bistro! Quelle horreur!!!

This, apparently, is an old story - but it's new to me. Back in 2008, Santorum (ewwww) came (ewwww) under scrutiny for using his political action committee to pay his daily living expenses...

The PAC has paid for hundreds of meals over a five-year period. Some of those were at expensive, upscale restaurants like the Capital Grille restaurants in Philadelphia and in Washington, D.C. But what jumps out from the PAC's thousands of pages of reports are all the small meals. 
Arby's, the fast-food chain specializing in roast-beef sandwiches, has been a particular favorite. Eleven Arby's meals, totaling $118.25, were charged to the PAC -- eight of them in Dillsburg, Pennsylvania, a small town on U.S. 15 south of Harrisburg.

I'VE BEEN TO THAT ARBY'S!!! OMG - I feel unclean ... must gargle some Purell...


  1. He will be in Wa on Monday - no Arby's will be safe!

  2. Do they offer the 99-cent Chocolate Frothy?

  3. Don't worry David,
    What that person has he didn't get from Arby's ...

    He was born that way.

  4. Thanks. Now I'll never be able to separate the thought of Arby's from this person. You did this on person, didn't you? I know that you're jealous that I have an Arby's only a ten minute drive from home but did you really need to go this far?
