
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Question Of The Day ...

What in the hell is a "Skrillex"???



  1. I had one on my elbow. Took three trips to the dermatologist and a round of antibiotics to clear it up.

  2. Oh HAHaHA! Too true! And the picture really sums it up.

    Snarking aside, I have heard of them as remixers (I think) although for who or what I am currently at a loss. Maybe Dragonette?

    But seriously that picture looks like one of those gender differential costumes from Halloween (or poor Ms. Whitney's "How Will I Know" video's bride/groom).

  3. I thought a "skrillex" was something you used to scrub pots and pans.

    It really cuts through the grease and grime...

  4. So odd you would post this. Yesterday I spoke with #9's eldest girl Court, and she informed me that this is the most awesome band ever. After a SCREECHING TWO minutes of what sounded like a plane crash, I've officially decided that Skrillex is not for moi either. If you plan on listening. BE WARNED!!!!

  5. Isn't he just gross! You know he must have been the nerdiest, dumbest kid in school, and now he thinks he's all hot shit 'cause he's a DJ in a club! That hair don't just works my last drag nerve!

    Tug: Skrillex isn't a band- he's a DJ. He doesn't sing or play an instrument. He uses a computer to mix up noises so they sound like music. If it weren't for Satellite Radio no one would even know who the hell he is.
