
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A Surge Of Santorum!

They're gonna need lots of Baby Wipes, Purell and new bed sheets in Minnesota, Missouri and Colorado - reports say that Santorum surged in those three states yesterday. Which can't be good for anybody...


  1. The GOP should become the Clusterfuck Party.


  2. It just gets weirder and weirder.

  3. How anyone could consider voting for any of these right wing reactionary idiots is beyond all comprehension. They then have the gall to try to export "democracy" as if they are a shining example. Out of the millions of Americans available, is this the best the Republicans can get? If so, be afraid, be very afraid.

    The Republicans in their singleminded narrow objective of expanding corporate control over the American people have opened the flood gates to the most reactionary, bigoted, vile, benighted, religious fanatics since the Inquisition. Republicans are regressing into unreasoning intolerance for a America in their own exclusionary image. Selfrightgeous fascists have gained ascendency in US politics.

    Good luck Obama. I really hope for the US and the world that you get a second term.
