
Monday, March 5, 2012

A Lot Going On ...

A quick update...
  • I'm feeling better, but definitely not 100%. Walking pneumonia is a total beeyotch, I'm telling ya.
  • Another round of doctor visits tomorrow. Bloodwork, X-Rays, and the like. 
  • Apparently there may also be an issue with my kidneys. Don't ask me what, I just work here.
  • Speaking of work, I'm back today - gotta make that money.
  • My roommate has a houseguest this week - one of her gay friends who is on Spring Break. He's adorable and tons of fun - but I feel like his gay dad. In fact, his mother is only one year older than I am. Regardless, if I'm healthy enough I'm dragging his skinny butt to either Boots and Saddle or The Urges later this week. I just love corrupting the youth of America.
That's about it. What's new with you?


  1. Just keep getting better.
    Eldest and girlfriend and GB here this past weekend :-))
    GB home on spring break next week.
    Windy, blowy, cold.

  2. Sis. You better leave that yungen alone and get your ass better. Trotting all around NY like your some young HO. So glad your better though.

  3. Tenofovir DF - part of many HIV drugs is know to cause renal failure (kidney damage). There was another study just released that said it caused damage in 34% of users but when taken off tenofovir, the kidney heals its self.

    Make sure you tell this to your Doc - NO MATTER how good he/she may be. Good luck.

  4. So glad you're feeling better...good enough to visit The Urges!! But please please take it relapsing. BAD. I love you!!!

  5. Glad you're feeling better!! Also glad to hear you're helping to corrupt the gay youth of America. :-)

  6. I am chill Dave, thanks for asking. I hope that your kidneys are well and that you feel better as well...

  7. my life is so boring in, softball and tennis and guitar oh and work. All that I do. Although the hubby and I are going to Savannah this weekend sans kids with some friends for a little getaway. My own little Spring Break. Will let you know how it is. Take care of yourself please....

  8. Just got back from NOLA and I'm sick with a stomach flu. My apologies to the passengers on United Flight 4 from MSY to IAH, around Row 15. I have no doubt that I was breathing germs all over you!

  9. Feel better soon! Love you! Love your hare! xoxoxxoxoxox

  10. I'm just catching up on your blog.
    Happy you are better!
    Take care of yourself.
