
Monday, June 4, 2012

A Great Weekend With Mama Bunny

What a wonderful weekend! My darling Mom (AKA “Mama Bunny”) came to visit and we had a blast.

I picked her up from the train station after work Friday, and we decided to have dinner at a Mexican restaurant (Tacos Mexico) in my neighborhood. It was delish.

On Saturday we trekked out to Brooklyn to see the Keith Haring exhibition at the Brooklyn Museum (above). It was fantastic – focusing on Haring’s early work during his first few years here in NYC. Mama Bunny and I are both fans of his work, so it was well worth the schlep to Brooklyn.

Mom also wanted to see a Broadway show – so on Saturday night we attended Priscilla Queen of the Dessert. So.Much.Fun. The show only runs for a couple more weeks, but if you get a chance to see it you really should. “Fabulous” doesn’t begin to describe this production. Also, Nick Adams (below) is in it and shows off his killer bod and wicked smile (which by itself is work the price of admission). Thanks to Amber LeMay (and Russell) for the recommendation.

On Sunday we had brunch with my cousin and her former-boyfriend-now-fiance. They just got engaged a couple weeks ago, so we got to see the ring and had a really nice visit. Then it was back to the train station for Mom’s return trip to PA.

A great time was had by all.


  1. I know you gave her lots of hugs from us :-)

  2. Was it mother's day in the US cause it was here in France. That program would be fine for me too ! Glad you had a great time this week-end.

  3. Sounds just wonderful! Nothing like getting to spend some time with our sons!

  4. i'm glad you had such a great visit with each other!


  5. JS -

    Mother's Day here in the U.S. was a couple of weeks ago, so we celebrated a bit late.


  6. Sounds like you had a very nice weekend girl! I would love to see the play, but I don't think Ill make it. I met Nick Adams once throught a friend here when he was in Philly a few years back. And add to the list a real sweethart! I didn't talk was that smile.

  7. Sounds like you had a very nice weekend girl! I would love to see the play, but I don't think Ill make it. I met Nick Adams once throught a friend here when he was in Philly a few years back. And add to the list a real sweethart! I didn't talk was that smile.

  8. Sounds like a fabulous weekend.

  9. Glad you liked the show... I knew that you would!!!
