
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Who The Hell Is Jill Stein??

I took THIS presidential election quiz (seen at JMG) - and the candidate with the positions most like mine (92% - see above) ended up being "Jill Stein". I had to Google her - she's the Green Party candidate.


  1. Yeah, I got 96% Jill Stein and 91% Obama. Oddly, I also got 59% Ron Paul!??

  2. For me it was a dead heat between Jill and Barack!

  3. I got 95% Obama and no one else.

  4. Ok, so I am not a US citizen and won't be voting, but...

    89% Obama, 84% Stein, 80% Kent Mesplay, which is not a name we have EVER heard muttered in the UK. Hopefully he's sane :-)

    The two jokers in the pack Paul and Romney I managed to score 25% each on, even though it says I didn't match them on any issues! Eh? How so?

  5. 91% for Jill
    87% for some guy named Kent
    83% for Obama
    8% for Romney

  6. 94% with Jill; 90% with my hero, Obama; and only 4% and agreeing with him in no way discernible, Mitt "I like to fire people" Romney.

  7. 84% Jill Stein
    81% Obama
    77% Kent Mesplay (who is he?)
    56% Fred Karger (???)

    6% Mitt Romney (didn't know he'd been definite enough on any issue to have an opinion - how did I get 6% when we agree on no issues?)

    Just as I suspected, it said this about me: You are an independent. You are socially and fiscally Liberal.
