
Friday, July 20, 2012

Project Runway Ep. 1 - "Getting To Know You"

So Project Runway is BACK, bitches. And so are my recaps, at least until the show pisses me off enough to stop.

As always, the first ProjRun episode is all about “Getting To Know You” – learning about the fashiontestants. Little things like who lost their mother at an early age, who's a braids-wearing lesbian, and who eats out of dumpsters. You know, the basics.

Last night’s episode started big – with 16 nervous designers having a Champagne toast with Tim, Heidi, Michael and Nina smack dab in the middle of Times Square. The first runway show, you see, was being held at “The Crossroads of the World” – formerly home to hookers and my favorite sleazy go-go boy bar, and now home to The Lion King and a Hello Kitty store. Progress?

But then, just like in a Lifetime miniseries starring Meredith Baxter Birney, we flash back to 24 hours earlier to the designers arriving at Parsons.

First we meet Buffi – who is half Indian, half Australian, has a British passport and was raised in Dubai. The result is a gal with a killer accent who’s probably on a Homeland Security “no fly” list.

We also meet Gunnar – who auditioned last year and didn’t make it. This year he DID make it, and will be playing the role of Evil Gay. Actually, “gay” doesn’t really cover Gunnar’s gayness … Gunnar is REALLY gay. SUPERNATURALLY gay. Gayer than brunch on Fire Island. Gayer than Liberace’s favorite tiara… You get the picture.

Next up is Lantie, who doesn’t know how old she is (38?, 48?) and Ven, who is like a Jedi Master of designers. One wave of his hand and a beautiful cocktail dress made out of silk charmeuse just appears. The Force is strong with this one.

Tim Gunn enters to greet the fashiontestants and to pay the bills. Brother sewing machines! Hewlett-Packard gizmos! The Lord & Taylor accessories wall! Question: why does the accessories wall sponsor always bail after a year or two. ProjRun is running out of stores to sponsor that shizz. Eventually they’ll be stuck with the “Claire’s Accessories Wall” (below) and nobody wants that.

Tim announces the first challenge. Each designer has sent in a “signature design”, which is there in the workroom. The designers must create a companion piece to this design. They have one day and $100 to spend at Mood. And, as we know already, they’ll be showing their designs in a hookerless Times Square. Ready, set, SKETCH…

Now it's time for Mood! Hello Swatch! Thank you Mood!

Back in the workroom we continue to meet designers. Next up is Andrea, who is the oldest (58) and the Noo Yawkiest of the designers.

We also meet Christopher – who either lives in my neighborhood (Astoria) or at home with his Mom in Long Island (I SWEAR he said both). Christopher likes to wear scarves indoors. He also tries to make smalltalk with the freakishly gay Gunnar, who shoots him down (get it? Gunnar shoots!!) with an “I’m not here to make friends, Beeyotch” attitude. Evil. 

We also meet Raul – who is having trouble with his “raffles” (ruffles) and his “steeches” (stiches). Then there’s Fabio, who is originally from Brazil and is a “freegan”. Freeganism is when you do your “shopping” out of dumpsters instead of using “money” to pay for “things”. It’s also another word for being either really "cheap" or really "poor" (or both). Regardless, Andrea comments that she won’t be dining at Fabio’s apartment anytime soon, and I second that emotion.

Next up is Dmitry – who is a former ballroom dancer from Belarus. He also did some modeling, but that wasn’t manly enough for him so he went into the manly man profession of lumberjacking ballroom dancing. And now he’s a fashion designer. Like a real man.

Tim Gunn visits the workroom, and perhaps the most memorable moment is when he visits Kooky Kooan (below) – the weird Japanese guy with an afro (“Ja-fro”?). Tim has absolutely no idea what to make of our wacky Asian friend, and neither do I. I keep expecting them to bang a gong every time he says something (a la "Long Duck Dong" in Sixteen Candles).

Tim leaves and the models arrive for fittings. Christopher’s model is actually smaller than the dress form (Sweet Jeebus!), so he has to take apart his dress and “steech” it back together.

Day #1 ends, and Day #2 begins – and everyone is frantic. The designers take their models to hair and makeup and then it’s off to Times Square for the show.

Heidi gives us the “One day you’re in” spiel and introduces the judges: Michael Kors, Nina Friggin Garcia, actress Lauren Graham and the very first Guest Judge on ProjRun – Patricia Fields. Who, by the way, sounds like she smokes a carton of cigarettes every hour. Just sayin.

Models walk. During this time I don’t take many notes, but one note I did take read as follows:

“Lantie. 2nd look was ASS”

After the show they head back to Parsons for judging. Heidi calls Kooan, Ven, Lanti, Christopher, Beatrice and Melissa. These are the top and bottom 3 – the rest are safe.

Top Three:

Melissa – all black.

Christopher – the judges rave about his first look, which is a gown.

Ven – “Super Couturier Guy”. Looks “expensive” (which, as we all know, Nina LOVES).

Bottom Three:

Kooan – “borderline Teletubby” (Kors). Nina isn’t sure about his wacky behavior.

Beatrice – “Knit Girl”. Heidi said it was sad. Kors think she’s a “Snuggie Designer”.

Lanti – “Snakes in the Flower Garden”. Huh? Nina calls the 2nd look “horrifying” (AKA “Ass”, thankyouverymuch).


Christopher and his scarf are the winners. Ven and Melissa and Kooky Kooan are safe.

This leaves Lanti with her snakes and Beatrice and her knits…

And Beatrice is out…

What did YOU think of last night’s episode? Are you excited for Project Runway to be back? Leave a comment and let us know!


  1. Full of chortles and snorts this morning, as always!
    We loves Kooan and Buffi and hope they stay around. We were placing bets on who would get the crazy music edit.
    We think Gunnar memorized all of Josh's antics and vowed, as 'God is my witness' he is going to out Josh him.
    Ven didn't win??! wth? Christopher's second look with the zipper trying to escape - and that was a win??? Didn't like his first gown either - kept trying to have a lady bits wardrobe malfunction.
    And Heidi and her I'm not wearing any panties dress - eeewwwwww.

  2. SO GLAD you re back on board for season 10! OXOX

  3. LOVE your recap! (i was laughing out loud in the coffee shop i'm in - and forwarded your post to friends mid-stream of my read!)

    and shoulder-to-shoulder with "LOVE your recap" is LOVE that the coming weeks will be filled with your recaps ... and hopefully you'll hang in there (and i'll hang in there), and PR won't become some fustercluck of poopiness for the eyeballs and earholes!

    i wish we saw more of who else were other possible designer-tants, even just #17-#20. know what i mean?


  4. First off, FABULOUS recap!!

    I enjoyed the 'getting to know you' episode (which surprised me) and the 1st actual episode. It was fun and the designtestants were more interesting than they initially looked.

  5. Brazilliant.
    You nailed Gunnar!
    Now, if someone would just pout a zipper where his mouth is....?

  6. Loved your recap as always. Gunnar gaydar hilarious.

  7. That guy has quite a sexy fro.

  8. As soon as Nina says the word "expensive," you know we've got a frontrunner. Not that I disagree about her assessment of Ven's work, but it's amusing that we all know her buzzwords now.
