
Monday, August 6, 2012

Life Happens

Sorry I've been so scarce lately - here's a quick update on what's going on in my life:

  • My computer is dead - this is the main reason I haven't been blogging much. I took it to the repair guy in my neighborhood (he also fixes vacuums and air conditioners - go figure) and I'm waiting for an estimate to get it repaired. Fingers crossed it's not too much.
  • We had a pregnancy scare for Dusty (no, she's never been fixed). But it seems that she's in heat right now, which most likely means she's not pregnant - thank Jeebus.
  • Dusty did, however, decide to pee on my work outfit this morning. Luckily I noticed BEFORE I put it on.
  • I'm looking forward to going Gay Camping with Maddie and our friend Wayne next month.
  • I ditched the Nutritionist and promptly gained back the weight I lost with her. Don't ask me why.
  • My birthday is in 3 weeks - I'll be 45 friggin' years old. Yikes.


  1. - good luck on computer wizardry
    - tell Dusty to keep an aspirin between her legs
    - okay, dogs don't pee on clothes cause they can't figure out how to get them off the hangers
    - Ooooo! have fun camping and give Maddie hugs from us
    - also *fired* a nutritionist this year when she rolled her eyes at my attempts to limit carbs (b*tch)
    - you are still a youngster (comparatively....:-)

  2. You're right, life happens, usually when we're not looking. Sorry to hear about the 'puter. My own birthday is in three weeks as well, and I'll be 54. Coincidence? I think not. Here's the best to you! ; )

  3. I'll always be older than you. ;)


  4. 45?! Chicken!
    Why did you ditch the nutritionist?

    I want to go gay camping! If Maddie is going I know it will be "glamping!"

  5. 45? We will have something to party about in the woods huh? Rumors are already swirling about the noise level going up a few pitches!!!! And I swear, Dusty just may be a step child....we tend to have alot in commom with scares.

    Hi Bob! Hi Frog!

  6. I hope your troubles are over
    We wish you a happy birthday

  7. Dang. Miss Ginger beat me to it. I was going to ask if "gay camping" was anything like "glamping." Because when I was checking out this cute little 5th wheel at the Sunset Celebration weekend, I met this gay couple. One of the guys was all into camping but the other said he wasn't going unless it was glamping. I told him I was with him.

  8. Bitch Puhlease. 45??? I'm so not even going to address this bullshitz.
    I wanna go camping. But if I go, Bill goes and you can bet your pretty fat ass he will kill something and then clean it, which would mean I would have to cook the motherfucker. Maybe I don't want to go camping.
    So glad that your computer broke, I though you were just tired of your Hos here in the blogosphere. Ok HO. Have fun

  9. You and Maddie have a great time! I know you will. Let's not discuss age. 45 is young! Enjoy it! Seriously!

    Early dronking has made Dusty a possible statistic! We can't have that.

  10. i can't wait to hear about the glamping.....

    that sucks about your computer- take care of you!

