
Thursday, August 16, 2012


I've always had roommates who insisted on doing this the "wrong" way - and it drives me nuts.

Question: Are you a "wrong way" or a "right way" person??


  1. We are total heathens in that we skip the dispenser entirely and sit it on the counter top.

    A)It is apparently MY job to put the thing in and reject that premise. (This also applies to garbage in the kitchen where the open container sits appx 5.75 inches from the place where garbage collects on the kitchen counter. Can you see a theme developing here?)

    B)The dispenser is set so close that you have to dislocate your shoulder to reach the damn thing.

    C)With 2.5 women living here we go thru the stuff too damn quickly.

  2. Oh my god, I hate when people do the wrong way. I sometimes find myself fixing if I see the wrong way in someone else's bathroom. I may in fact be slightly crazy. Oh well

  3. I do it the right way. My partner seems to randomly put it in, which is even weirder to me. I mean, I can sorta understand if you want it the wrong way. It's wrong of course, but at least you have a commitment of some kind.

    But to just not care which way it goes? That's alien shit right there. I think he's from Alpha Centauri.

  4. I was raised wrong but being rebellious did the right thing even to this day.

  5. File me under: I've Never Noticed!

  6. Right way. Absolutely. I've even been known to change it to the right way when at someone's house. LOL That was also one of the first things Ken and I talked about, and we realized we were compatible in that regard!

  7. I always did it the right way, but now we have a holder that hangs off of the toilet tank so it sits vertical...but I'm with you!

  8. hallelujah! we are on the right team! and in fact, i declared this as #1 of my 25 blah-blah things ... "1. over not under ... that is the way that sheets of a toilet paper rolls should lay. i will fix the roll - at your home, my work, a restaurant, a department store, a gas station, wherever."

    (btw, i will share your truthery with the few nutkin'rs i have! thanks!)

  9. RIGHT WAY!! It's so fuckin' simple. Don't know why some people do it the wrong way! But then, I can't explain Mitt Romney either.
