
Saturday, September 1, 2012

Dear Time Warner Cable

Dear Time Warner Cable -

When my roommate calls you about our internet and cable service (which is out), please stop telling us to unplug it and plug it back in. We've already don't that 50 times before we called you. But thanks for being consistent.

And thank you for taking up an hour of our time on the phone without actually doing anything. Great work.

Finally, thank you very much for getting us an appointment IN THREE WEEKS to send someone out to check on our problem. That's absolutely fine - I don't really like using the internet and watching TV anyway. Now I have plenty of time to do fun stuff like vacuuming and laundry.

Thanks a million for all you do.

Love and Hugs,



  1. oh lord, the "tech support" bullshit is always the worst -- literally worse than the problem itself. for instance, when i think my internet is out, my first reaction is "oh god i'm going to have to call them."

    like with as many problems as cable companies have, we don't all already know how to unplug, wait 15 seconds, and plug back in? or reset our modems? *sigh*

    i'm sorry you're having issues, and i'm even sorrier there are no options except to wait around for TW.

  2. Man, and I thought that Cox Cable was bad!! Poor David, can't you get cable/dsl from someone else?

  3. Dear Lord! Internets and tv are one of the necessities of life!!

  4. Make sure you TELL THEM NOW not to charge you for the amount of time the service is out or you will have another fight on your hands. It may help you get a faster appointment too.

  5. Call and threaten to switch to Dish or DSL if they don't move your appointment up... Amazingly, they will fit you in. There are too many options out there for cable companies to give crappy service!

  6. Apparently, a smart phone allows this complaint?

  7. this will become what our healthcare will be like if romney wins and privatizes all of it.

    the motto of the story is- a little gov't control is a good thing sometimes.


  8. Good Lord!!!!! That is terrible. Not only no internet and tv, but how do you watch porn????? Can you guys get another cable company? Here we have Comcast and I have to say they are pretty good. One time my cable was out, a loose cable in the attic, they were here within two hours and spent a hottie!!!!!!!

  9. Major suckage! This is really bad.

  10. I bitch so much about Comcast but at least they have never made me wait 3 weeks. I don't know what I would do without internet or TV for 3 weeks. Honey, can you watch with a friend? Good luck!

  11. Hey David, I have TW here in Texas (where they still suck) but if you go to their Facebook page and post a negative comment they will send you an email link that will expedite your request. Just keep saying "I'm taking an online course and this is unacceptable" Worked for me last 3 times I had issues.....maybe they won't be taking the holiday off...
