
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

All Is Well

Thanks to everyone who emailed, called and texted me to see if that bitch Sandy had interfered with my life. I'm happy to report that all is well - we never even lost power.

The main thing now (for me anyway) is getting the subway system up and running. No trains equals no work equals no pay - so I'm praying that the MTA can get their act together in the next few day. My restaurant is almost completely staffed by people who live in the outer boroughs and rely on mass transit to get to work (including moi). And it's kinda hard to run a restaurant with no staff.

Did any East Coast Dust Bunnies have any drama from Sandy? - please leave a comment.


  1. Whew!!! Been thinking about you and hoping for the best! Glad the kitties did not need their life vests. Will cross fingers and toes for the transit system.

  2. PS - How is Mama Bunny and the Bunny Family doing as Sandy moves over them?

  3. David,
    Glad you are okay! That bites re: transit. Looks like a mess.
    Scritch the kitties' ears for me.

  4. checking in on you. we had nothing here in Florida (although the kiddos got out of school because of wind). glad you are Ok but hoping things get back to normal soon. Sister in Mineola has no power and she is freezing her behind off. stay safe my friend....

  5. Glad you are okay- I read on the NYTimes site that they have buses running already and thought they would get most of the city covered by bus service in the next few days. Of course, 7 million people will be trying to ride them, so I'm not sure how much good they are going to do. But don't worry- FEMA is ON IT!

  6. So glad to know you're doing OK. It was a relief when you answered my text (and notice how I didn't ask you a million questions and am doing better? I learn!) Hope you can get to work soon. xoxoxoxoxoxox

  7. glad you are ok!

    as far as i know all my fam out there is fine- just windy in MASS and my other sister in VA got a ton of rain. hope they get the transit grid up again soon- i read somewhere that schools may be closed in jersey until the second week of november.


  8. Although we live in coastal DE we were fortunate compared to the Jersey shore and lower Manhattan. Glad to hear YOU are okay, but sorry about the inconvenience of the subway outage.
