
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

RuPaul's Drag Race: All Stars

While many (if not most) of you did the "good citizen" thing last night and watched the Presidential Debate, I watched RPDR All Stars instead. I iz a BAD citizen!

The All Stars talent level is high (with a few notable ...cough Tammie Brown cough cough ... exceptions - and RuPaul even threw in a twist or two to make things interesting.

Did you watch? What did you think?? Who do you think will win?...


  1. Since I don't have cable I watch the show the next morning on Logo Online....except what they have is the first ELEVEN the clip stops at "Whip it out." I'm hoping Logo fixes it.

  2. We watched the debate and recorded RuPaul. We are concerned with the new format as it means a shorter season and less RuPaul makes the world a sadder place...!

  3. I DVR'd it and will watch it soon. What did you think?

  4. I'm not sure I like the "twist" of them working in teams, especially if it means a shorter season (as the Dogn's Mother pointed out). But it sure was good to see some of these bitches again.

    I'm rooting for Latrice and Jujubee.


  5. Mimi did not belong on that show. I feel bad for Pandora, but whoever was going to get stuck with Mimi was going to be in the same fate.

    I hate the pairings twist.

  6. What? Here in the Bay the thing to watch last night was the Giants whoop the Cardinals. We can catch Ru online at a later time. Sorry but baseball comes before everything else. Oh yeah. Sorry that the Yankees got swept -- NOT.

  7. Well, to be honest I not surprised Pandora is gone already. As soon as she found out her partner was to be Mimi, she just gave up. And after seeing her in person, she is not as entertaining as I would have though. Personally I think the team thing is stupid, but the whole all stars is sort of wierd, since all these queens have come into their own rights and stardoms since being on here. Please Nina could mop the floor with RuPaul anyday!!! Im rooting for Nina/Tammie, Nina is just fierce and Latrice and Jujubee. I do think though Shannel/Chad could be highly entertaing but they both have huge egos, that will do them in!

  8. Was able to watch the episode. I don't care for the teams either. As for a shorter season, it makes sense considering the start date and most programs don't want to run into holiday conflicts. I agree with the Mistress on Pandora giving up; she should have taken control. I LOVE TAMMIE BROWN!
