
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

She Said My Name!

Does anyone remember Romper Room - the kids show that ran from the 50's to the 90's? It was like a televised pre-K class before anyone had invented Pre-K. There was playtime, exercises, songs, and even snack time - complete with a pre-snack prayer "God is great, God is good, let us thank Him for our fud food. Amen". I also seem to remember a bumble bee named Dewbee who gave kids advice: "Do be nice to your Mom and Dad! He was a Bossy Bee!

But the real highlight came at the end of the show, when Miss Nancy (or whoever the hostess was in your area) looked through the Magic Mirror and called out the names of kids at home. I swear, I watched that shizz EVERY DAY and Miss Thing NEVER said "David". But the above clip proves that she did see me once so now I can stop wetting the bed due to childhood trauma and shear disappointment.

I AM somebody!!!


  1. Not only did I watch Miss Mary Ann on Romper Room - I MET HER IN PERSON. I know, you're jealous.

  2. We even had her in Canada. That gal got around!

  3. Too funny! I remember the show and the magic mirror. I still hum the stupid song "Do be a DoBee and don't be a Don'tBee."

  4. I'm sure she must have said David, it was and is such a popular name but I always wanted her to say Sean - I never knew any other Sean's, especially with my spelling and was always called seen - even by teachers. Then for some reason, Sean became one of the top 5 kids (boys and girls!) in the early 80's and is still popular. If only those people knew it was Gaelic for John.

  5. I remember Miss Maryann. Never once did she say my name. Knew a girl who was on the show. Still hate her.
