
Friday, October 12, 2007

Daddy Of The Day - Roberto

Today’s Daddy of the Day is Roberto – “The Dominican Explosion”. He was my second-favorite dancer at the now defunct hustler/go-go bar Stella’s – my favorite was James. Like James, he was a featured dancer at my 30th birthday party (a million years ago).

Unfortunately these pictures do NOT do justice to this gorgeous, sweet man. A few years ago he did a “beefcake” DVD for Dynamite Studios, and these are the promo pictures from their website. One of these days I’ll get a scanner and be able to show you all the photos I have from the old Stella’s period of my life.

Roberto was SUCH a sweetheart. He would NEVER accept a drink at the bar (only juice) because he was so committed to his fitness regimen. We would chat sometimes, and he would tell me how he wanted to be a cop – hell, he already had the uniform (which he danced in - OFTEN), so why not?!

1 comment:

  1. I remember seeing him at Stella's! I loved that bar.
