
Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Gratuitous Franky G Pics

It has been too long since I posted any pics of the world's most gorgeous man (and my future husband) - Franky G.

With fellow hottie Mark "Marky Mark" Wahlberg

With skinny Mischa Barton. Bitch better keep her HANDS OFF!

From an off-off-off Broadway show Franky appeared in last year. Why are they touching MY MAN?!? And why wasn't I informed about this show?!? I would have been front row/center!

OK, I feel better now...


  1. He is really hot girl! When should I expect the wedding invitation?

  2. Maddie - as soon as Franky figures out that I am his future...

    Get your organza peach bridesmaid's gown ready girl...

  3. I wanna come to the wedding!!!! I have a bright blue satin bridesmaid's gown with puffed sleeves and a HUGE bow on the will be PERFECT!!!

    what are you wearing darling?

  4. Beth - with a dress like that, I want you IN the wedding! It should match Maddie's peach organza number perfectly!

  5. "Team Fierce" from Project Runway will be providing me with a slightly..{cough, cough}..LARGER version of their "ORGANZA ORGASM" for my wedding dress. In WHITE of course...
