
Friday, March 7, 2008

SourFace Victorya Responds!

And she DISSES THE HELL out of Tim Gunn. She was/is pure evil - you can tell it even from her 9th grade yearbook photo.

Read her response to Tim Gunn's comments from Blogging Project Runway here.



  1. Since DAVID DUST does not, thankfully, have a no profanity rule, I'll say it: What a fucking bitch.

    Victorya hon, your 15 minutes are long over. Please STFU and go away.

  2. Aw hell no! I can't believe she even did that.

    First of all, Jack hasn't exactly been silent since leaving the show, so she needs to stop over-emphasizing Jack's p.o.v. in this.

    Secondly, she didn't really address anything. All she did was bitch and moan about Tim calling her out on the ice-queen that she was.

    Way to clear the air, dummy.

  3. Marker and Sailor -

    Victorya is the root of all evil in this world. All that Middle Eastern/politically complicated/3 major religions stuff - SourFace's Fault!! The mortgage mess and the falling dollar - SourFace's Fault!! The fact that I don't have a man - SourFace's Fault!!


  4. SARS and mad cow disease - SourFace's fault.
    John McCain's (current) wife - SourFace's fault.
    Mike Huckabee and his hideous family - SourFace's fault.

    For the record I think Jack should probably STFU and go away as well.

  5. Marker ... agree ... agree ... agree ... agree and AGREE!

  6. Oh no she di'n't indeed! Seems like most of Tim's advice was pretty sound giving that it tended to be repeated by the judges later. Maybe she just can't handle nice people. And she says that his comments about her were inaccurate but then doesn't go on to explain how. She really doesn't say anything: why even bother putting pen to paper?

  7. Meeg -

    Global warming is ALSO SourFace's fault! Just so you know...

  8. She's just a bitter, sore loser. End of story.

    Mark :-)

  9. I'm glad you posted that. She is worse than we thought but not as evil as Wendy Pepper. V is an icy sour bitch. W is Cruella.

    Thank you for the visit, comment, and title (DBOTD)! I'm honored and thrilled and wear my crown proudly! Yea!

    You are fierce tallness and walks for days!

  10. It's SourFace's fault that I'm not having a man? It's SourFace's fault that Ronnie and Ben will never come together? 9/11 is SourFace's fault? That sneaky little bastard...

    I just don't understand why they edited that out. I would have loved to see SourFace insisting on Tim counting the money.

  11. @your mother:

    Ben does not deserve Ronnie. I'm not sayin' that SourFace is a force for good in this instance - no way. But still, she may not have been involved in that one.

  12. In the famous words of the drunk Pasty from Absolutely Fabulous when her cranky overbearing mother was on her death bed" oh, just die already,old woman!

  13. As Your Real Mother (with capital letters) I just want to know who is posting as "your mother". I will take that bitch out for claiming to be maternally related to you. I didn't go through all those hours and hours and hours of hard labor to allow some wanabee mama to claim you!

    Your finaly PR recap was wonderful -- I'm just so proud of my baby bunny!

    Meanwhile, isn't there something on HGTV you could recap? I watch that channel more than Bravo and I know there are lots of nice looking gay men on that channel too. Who doesn't love a tranny with a tool belt?

    Or how about "Lockdown" -- all those men behind bars. hmmmmmmm...

  14. @ David's Real Mama-
    Here,Here to all the hot men on H&G network! You go Girl!!
