
Monday, March 10, 2008

Star Jones Splitting With Big Gay Al Reynolds

SHOCKING! After more than 3 years of marriage, Star Jones has finally kicked her Big Gay Scrub to the curb. See the story at A Socialite's Life here. I guess that means he can go back to Fire Island (where he used to spend his summers pre-Star).


  1. Yes! I'm experiencing schadenfreude overload!!

    HA-Ha! (<-- said in kid from Simpsons voice)

    Does this mean that Scar, er - Star will no longer be sharing her secrets to romantic bliss as a "Coach" on AOL?

    Will the hideous website devoted to documenting the beautiful, beautiful wedding be taken down? Oh, no.

  2. I KNOW...I feel SO SORRY for BOTH of them. I'm sure Big Gay Al is finding comfort in a Miami gay bar as we speak.

    I've never seen the wedding website - I bet that was one big tranny mess!

  3. Are we to feel sorry for Star for this split? I know us gays are likable people,but this will not be her last time in the big ole' fruit basket, I'm sure.Besides I think she looked better when she was Marge the Barge! She looks creepy thin.

  4. What a shock!!! And I had such a good feeling about those two kids.

    Mark :-)

  5. I guess he'll be folding sweaters at the Gap soon....

  6. Perfect! Schadenfreude for sure! A tragic tranny mess all around. heh heh

  7. Re: all comments -

    Giggles all around.....


