
Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Hottie Of The Day - Miguel


  1. Aye Carumba! I think I would like Miguel to besame mucho.

  2. Oh this guy is prrreeety... he actually reminds me of a guy I ahem met (I'm being polite :) when I was in Budapest... he was from Haifa mind you and absolutely gorgeous :)
    Now we have established I am a slapper, I do have a gay friend who looks a bit like that... :)
    David my dear I hope your cable gets fixed soon although I do think you should switch to Hell's Kitchen :)

  3. I'm glad you both like him - he IS purdy!

    See, even during my CABLE CRISIS OF 2008, I'm still bringing you the hotness. I REALLY love my Dust Bunnies.


    Bertas, give anybody who looks anything like Miguel my number IMMEDIATELY.

  4. The only problem is he has a boyfriend... although between you and me I never liked him much a)too bitchy and b)hes a gyno.... :)
    I'll see what I can do :)

  5. David,this may be the HOTTEST guy you ever featured!!!!!He's not even a man,he's A GOD!!I can't take my eyes off him.If by chance you know him,stop holding out and send him to Philly for some attention;o

  6. OH



    Now THIS needs to be in MY bed!!!!!

    This is just the kind of man I crave....and you gotta tell me he's straight....but evenif he's not....I don't care! I want him!

  7. This is SO funny that everyone likes this guy. I have had his pics for MONTHS. You know I prefer more of a rough-neck or musclehead over a pretty boy like Miguel. I just posted him today because I had his pics on my roommate's computer (here at the apartment), and I didn't have to think about it too much.

    I'm glad everyone is enjoying him. If I find any more pics, I'll be sure to share!

    Love you Dust Bunny Trannies! Love your hair!!!!...

  8. Bertas - a Gyno?!? Oh that's gross!!

  9. This is the best guy you have EVER posted. Any more like him?

  10. David you dont know the half of it...:)
    He even threatened me at one point saying something along the lines that he will have to examine me... honestly, you are a)gay b)dating my friend and c)since when it is normal to show your vajayjay to your friend's boyfriend, even a gay one? tssssss see why I dont like him? :)
    And back to the subject of Miguel, I much prefer them long and lean rather then those guys with thunder thighs :) But I'm female and fickle what can I say? :)

  11. he oozes sex appeal
