
Wednesday, April 2, 2008


I took the day off work today for my crucial "daytime" Time Warner appointment. I made sure I was in the apartment, with phone at my side, between 10am and 2pm. I even called customer "service" this morning to confirm my appointment, and they assured me that someone would be here. Well guess what, NOBODY SHOWED UP.

So I just finished ANOTHER 45 minute telephone call with some unconcerned bitch, who says the technicians are "very busy" and may not be able to get to me today at all. She wanted to know if I wanted to reschedule for TOMORROW. I told her I now have to work on SUNDAY to make up for missing today, and I ain't about to work on SATURDAY also. After many, many, many minutes on hold, the bitch assured me that someone would be here before 6:00 pm. How much do you want to bet that ain't gonna happen?!? Or if it does happen, they won't be able to fix anything.

I can't believe Time Warner Cable can stay in business with such ignorant and unconcerned employees. It was one thing when Time Warner had a cable monopoly, but they have competition now. UN FUCKING BELIEVABLE.

UPDATE: It is now 6:21 pm - no call/no show. I missed an entire day's work for NOTHING. I have also emailed the ENTIRE management team (I've been googling feverishly), but if that doesn't work, Maddie and I are gonna find 'em and start cuttin'!!!!!


  1. I have been reading about your situation and I must tell you that it is not only Time Warner. Down here in South Florida we have Comcast and they are just as bad (maybe worse). I so feel your pain and hope that this is resolved quickly. As always love your commentary. Tivo Mom

  2. Thanks Tivo Mom! Always good hearing from you.

    If it wasn't for my neighbor's wireless internet (that I'm totally stealing), I would be out of my mind. I won't even play my radio, for fear of not hearing my buzzer go off when (and if) they ever arrive.

    I sent an email to my City Council Person (who happens to be the City Council Speaker). If that doesn't work, I'm going to write every city, state, and federal legislator I can think of until SOMETHING happens.

    Speaking of Comcast - I have heard horror stories from family and friends in PA about them.

    Don't cable companies realize that they no longer have a monopoly? It truly amazes me.

  3. Well, just to prove that all cable-guys should not get stoned on the public square, I do have to say that just last week I was changing over to the local cable company's [Atlantic Broadband] internet service. The technician showed up 20 minutes early, and was quite nice [and kinda cute, although seemed terminally str8].

    However, I can balance that with too many stories from my own personal experience very similar to what you are experiencing right now.

    Hugs & Kisses on your yucky day, tranny...

  4. David,if you want me to I can be there in 45min by train with my sharpest Miracle Blade knife to cut someone and then give them a numbchuck across the head.Were lucky here in Philly.We have nt had any issues ever when we needed serivce knock on wood.Good Luck tootes!!!

  5. Maddie - sharpen up your Ginzu's biatch!!!! It's cuttin' time!

  6. I'm outraged but not surprised. This probably happens because they are businessses concerned with cutting corners by overloading the schedules of the technicians so the few at the top can make more money. MBA Bastards!
