
Friday, May 30, 2008

For Those Of You Who Would Even CONSIDER Voting For McCain...


  1. Kind of ironic,no? Bush kicked his ass when he was still a relatively sharp war hero,and now that he's quite befuddled, he's the perfect nominee. Thanks for the link.

  2. I can't believe that the US has forgotten what it's like to have a senile delusional old fool as president already. He's the new Reagan, and the same old Bush.

  3. Thanks! I wasn't considering it AT ALL, but nice to have some ammo to share with my Hillary-centric friends who claim they would go for McCain over Obama...

  4. All: I find it HORRIFYING that Clinton supporter would even CONSIDER voting for McCain. I LOVE Hillary - she is my Senator, and I voted for her in the primary. But it is time to rally around Obama and start trying to fix all the messes the Republicans have gotten us in!

    This country cannot afford four more years of Republican/Corporate "leadership".

  5. i second all the above comments and would like to add:

    i esp enjoyed the part of the video where McCain pats himself on the back for being "a part of every major nat'l security issue for the past 20 years" (or somet like that, anyway)... since nat'l security has totally been in the shitter since Bush took the WH, i wonder why he thinks putting that out there is a GOOD thing...
