
Friday, May 30, 2008

Step It Up and Dance - Episode Nine - Janelle Exits, Stage Right

Again, I didn't see it, but apparently Janelle went home last night on Step It Up and Dance (or Shut Up and Dance, as some of you like to call it). That leaves Cute Cody, Mochi, Straight Nick, and Fugly Betty Miguel in the Finale.

Did anybody see it? Any thoughts? Maybe when Joy gets back from her trip, she'll have a few words for us, like before (please?!?). Feel free to discuss in the comments.

I am making my Fugly Betty voodoo doll as we speak...


  1. So how did you know she got the boot? Did you read it in someone else's blog. Someone else's uncredited blog? Eh eh?


  2. Darling William...

    From of course.


  3. ::shakes fist:: You've won this round,

  4. I watched last night and I can say without a doubt that, Nick is hot. At the beginning of the series, he looked like a hobbit but now he's looking pretty good. He finally shaved the weird facial hair and chin pubes. I think that Nick will win in the end.

  5. William -

    I MUST fess up - when I saw your combo Top Chef/SIUaD post, I realized I had forgotten to put up my Friday "Step It Up and Dance - Talk amongst yourselves" post.

    I used to recap that bitch of a show, but when Sexy Papi Michael left, so did my interest...


  6. Mike - OMG, Nick TOTALLY looked like a resident of The Shire! Has anyone checked his feet to see if they're hairy?!?

  7. They all lost weight/toned up during their hiatus, but Nick was looking goooooood last night. There's nothing sexier than a hairy manly man who can dance up a storm.

  8. I used to think this was a battle between Cody & Mochi, but I think they have decided to kick Cody to the curb, and basically be all about Nick. While, like William, I love a hairy man, my heart belongs to Cody, and I don't see the hotness factor in Nick. Perhaps it was the Hobbitt-like beginnings, I don't know.

    Oddly, I thought it was Fugly Betty that should have been tossed aside last night like a used condom. When he was blowing those turns like a Port Authority hooker, I knew he was a goner, especially when they started saying nice things abour Janelle. That will teach me to view a show that hired Elizabeth Berkley with a logical mind. At least they had the correct top 3.

  9. Darling Howard - When I walk home in a few minutes, I will pass by the infamous Port Authority Bus Terminal. In your honor, I will wave to all my fave crackhead / junkie / PapiHookers that I see there. Not that I would KNOW any of them, or anything...

    I'm just doing it for you, darling.


  10. (a final P.S.)

    Cody forever has my heart, despite his new 'tude. And he's a hairy boy too. Yumm.

    It was nice to see Elizabeth sticking up for Cody during Judges' Table. It showed class towards poorly worded criticism from Nancy.

  11. I was so waiting for Tom Hanks to show up and say, "There is no crying in dancing!"

    I'm not sure why they turned on hot Cody. And I loved the mini-cat fight about the word snob.

    I was so sure Fugly Miguel was going home. I feel like they built Janelle up just to be let down.

    And about Nick's hotness factor... it is a cute/sexy look. I like the way he moves and I've always said that if a man can dance really well, imagine the dancing between the sheets.

  12. David, I would suspect you would recognize those hookers by sight only as you pass by... Just as I wouldn't know why I made the reference...

    william, yes, Cody is nicely furred and all, but EB just annoys the hell out of me. She does one of the worst 'dance' movies ever, one that is highly misogynistic in nature. So, let's let her head up a TV show about dancers making the big time... Gad!

    But, as long as I can watch Cody shake his money maker, I am good.

  13. It's not really a trip. I live from 30 minutes to a little over an hour from Nashville, depending on which part of town. The conference is about 50 minutes from where I live, so I come home every night.

    I watched SU&D and agree with Howard about the change in attitude toward Nick/Mochi/Cody. It could be Nick now. I thought Fugly Mugly would go, too, but it's definitely not going to be him or Janelle. (which we knew all along)

    If I have time, I'll recap if you really want me to, Darling David. It's sweet of you to ask and makes me feel like Sally Field at the Oscars that time. :-)

  14. Darling Joy - "I like you, I REALLY like you!!!". XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO

    I would LOVE a little Joy recap, if you have the time... But ONLY if it is convenient for you, my dear.

  15. I think what a recap of SU&D needs is a little bit of Joy...

  16. I'll probably have to wait for the next time - the final finals! I deleted it from the DVR to make room for some other things I needed to record, and then forgot to set it for the rerun.

    I scoured your blog to find a body like Eric's and found some Marines whose do. Must be that Marine training. Think body builder. With a tight t-shirt with short sleeves and jeans that Eric had on, I did the best I could imagining. Fine! Mighty FINE!

    For those of you wondering, this was a Marine who was the military adviser on the new miniseries that will be on HBO in July, Generation Kill. He did five tours of duty there in the elite special ops recon division. Unbelievable!

  17. Darling Joy - I would LOVE it if you would try and recap the finals. Don't worry about this week, we all know what happened anyway.

    And I HOPE you gave Eric my email address!!! :)


  18. Sorry so LATE, but have to commend Howard:

    I thought it was Fugly Betty that should have been tossed aside last night like a used condom.

    So true!!

    Love me some Nick - he did rock that kind of cool combination to that hideous song. Thanks Shut Up and Dance for putting "Man in the Mirror" in my head all weekend. Fuckers.

    I want a Nick-Marc-Cody sandwich. Yum.
