
Monday, May 5, 2008

White Meat Monday - Adventures In Facial Hair

It's been 11 days since I started growing my goatee, and here's what I look like:

It's pitifully sparse and somewhat patchy, but I'm starting to like it regardless. Based on the lack of response from my friends/co-workers - I might be the ONLY one who appreciates it. Oh well...


  1. I am thinking you must look both dashing and cool. It takes me forever to grow some semblance of a beard, so I feel your pain...

  2. You know you are lookin don't even try it...I don't believe a word you're saying....but I think we need a picture, just to be chicken? ;)


  3. Mine is exactly the same way, so you are not alone, DDust.

  4. Beth - first of all, YOUR new picture is hysterical! What a darling little angel!!

    And YES, I AM a chicken...what of it?!?

    Marker - thank you dear; I'm trying my best.

  5. I vote for stickin' with it.

    I know that eleven days wasn't nearly enough for my own goatee to develop enough "presence."

    Don't give up. And good luck, pal!

  6. Thanks Jeremy - I think I WILL stick it out and see what happens.

  7. If not for tweezers, I might look like an Amish man. There are many sucky aspects of getting old.

    Well, after 11 days you can't expect a whole goatee. It will get there. Now if your friends and co-workers are still ignoring it much later, you might want to reconsider. Unless you like it, then keep on growing and trimming!

  8. As you know, I recently started a 'stache/goatee as well, and after 11 days... I was not impressed. But don't get discouraged and shave it off. Trust me, keep it and just use a beard trimmer so it doesn't get scraggly looking. I'm going on 6 weeks now, and I'm liking it.

    Um, photo please?

    Mark :-)
