
Monday, May 5, 2008

White Meat Monday - Dust Bunny Daddy of the Day - MARKER!

Marker has been travelling for his job, and I've been missing him. But today he's been spotted in the "comments" sections of various posts. Yeeeeaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!

Welcome back's so nice to have you back where you belong!


  1. Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!! for anyone who makes our blogger happy!

    And is cute, too!

  2. OMFG, I'm WMM-DBDotD. Thank you DDust - it is an honor!

    (Confidential to Howard - thank you!)

    It's probably tacky for me to comment on this particular post but WTF. It's not every day you're a DotD.

  3. Honey - if you can't be tacky on this tacky-ass blog, then where CAN you be?

    I wish a had a WMM-DBDotD sash or a tiara I could send you...


  4. awww, is that a south park matryoshka? so cute..

  5. Marker, you are welcome. I wouldn't worry about the level of tackiness of commenting on this thread. After all, if you are looking for tacky, I have had a few posts that bordered on Whitney & Bobby levels of class...

    David, I would think you had some glitter, satin, and rhinestones hanging around to whip up a sash.

  6. WOOHOO!!!!!!! i've been missing him too!!!! and ya, Tranny, he totally needs a Tranny sash and a Tranny crown....what's up with that? We need to whip one up....

  7. Well, helllllloooooo Marker.

    Mark :-)
