
Friday, June 6, 2008

What A Week!...

Wow! What a WILD few days! I am so far behind in reading all of YOUR blogs, let alone posting to mine. Goodness, I haven’t even shown any half-naked Papis in 2 days! I will have to remedy that soon.

I will also have a Step It Up and Dance post - complete with a RECAP, courtesy of our own Darling Joy! I ALSO have some inside gossip from the A-List awards regarding the Step It Up and Dance dancers ... courtesy of Laura K., the Empress of Blogging Project Runway.

I just want to mention, one more time, the absolutely fantastic night I had on Tuesday with Laura K. and the her merry band of designers. But now, without further delay, here is the moment you've all been waiting for (all three of you). Here I am, with Jack Mack (photo courtesy of Laura K.):

I am the sexy one on the right. As you can see – Jack has really let himself go…

To see the rest of the photos taken that night, see them on BPR here.


  1. You are absolutely adorable! Awww! Love you! Love your hair! xoxoxoxoxox

  2. Wow, the sexiness of this shot is just about as blinding as drinking wood alcohol! You are both hot beasts!

  3. Thank you dear Joy - you don't know how hard it was for me to actually post that pic.

  4. Howard: thanks dear.

    But I think you mean that most men HAVE TO DRINK wood alcohol before they'll even CONSIDER sex with me...


  5. What a great photo! You two actually look pretty good together...

    Sorry I couldn't make it, I look forward to meeting you on our next adventure into the City!

  6. Nope, never said alcohol was necessary. Listen to Joy, babe, you are adorable!

  7. WOW. You two look great - could Jack be any better looking? I love him and wish he was returning to the show....keep up the good work David.

  8. Hi TBone!!!!!! It's YOUR TURN to come to Garage!!!


  9. Take it easy on yourself, you big hunk of white meat and talk about sweet cheeks! Pinch, pinch cutie pie and tons of kisses!


    OK, I'll calm down. CUTE pic of you two. Did I tell you that I'm jealous?

  11. OHMYGOD!!!! Youa re so freakin CUTE!!! and you are so NOT obese! I don't know what the heck you're talkin about....loser Tranny! ;) I think you and Jack make a very cute couple! and where's the goatee? It's so blond I can't see it!!!

    I'm in love!!!!! and honey, why oh WHY was it so hard t post that picture???? You are BEAUTIFUL!!!! and I never say anything that I don't mean from the heart!

  12. I am so serious....I don't ever want to hear you downing yourself again....You are too cute and perfect to treat yourself that way....You have SO MUCH to give to people, and I am all the better for having you in my life. BIATCH!!! you Tranny Biatch!!!

    I love you David...always and forever

  13. Joy, Howard, Dan, Tbone, Mike, Psychomom, Timmy, Beth -

    Thanks to all of you. I am going to be serious for just a second. I have some self-esteem issues that I deal with on a daily basis - so I meant it when I said it was hard to post this pic. Everyday is a struggle and a battle - and on most days I feel like I come out on the losing end. My gay boy Dust Bunnies will probably know this better than the gals - but it's not easy being a big bitch in the gay community. Especially in NYC.

    With that being said, I know there are things I can do to make it better. Sometimes I DO, but most of the time I don't. And I don't know why. Again, it's a constant struggle.

    Thank you so much for your kind words. It means SO MUCH to me...

    You bitches are the best and I love you all.

  14. Aren't you adorable? Jack is merely ok.

    Sorry about the lobster ;)

  15. I'm not Puerto Rican, but I would be all over you like a cheat suit.
    Love what you got and work it.....BITCH!

    You're a cutie with a heart of gold.

  16. Oh, I definitely know what you mean and understand.

    When it comes to relationships, you have to be philosophical, which is easier said than done. We're all snobs about something and attracted to different people based on preference, experience, and chemistry. It it's there, it's there, but unfortunately not always mutual. If it isn't, you can't fake or force it.

    I realize that I'm not some men's type and have been disappointed but moved on. Many of them aren't my type, and a lot of people get on my nerves. It's hard to find all of it in one person, so we have to have priorities and not settle but choose what we can live with.

    Think about who YOU are attracted to for whatever reasons you want them in your life. Once someone gets to know you, they won't be able to resist! Anyway, you are totally adorable. Act "as if" you love yourself and feel confident. Eventually, you'll start believing it, too.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Howard, Mike, and Dan are right and not women. :-) Pay attention.

  19. Now I ask you tootes, was that so hard?You two look like you could be together five years already!When does the dating start? Have a loverly weekend.

  20. PS-I forgot to tell you I think you look wonderful with the goatee.And honey-from your sister to the other,YOU LOOK BETTER THAN EVER! Hang on there it will get easier.Of all the people I have known and it's alot,you have always had one of the best personalities and outlooks on life.Love yourself first!


  21. What a great pic! I'm lovin you with the stache/goatee!!!

    Mark :-)

  22. David -
    I agree with everyone - you look great! I totally understand though about not wanting to have pics taken and then post them - you do notice on my blog that there are 0 pics of me. You look great and it's a wonderful pic of you and Jack!

    Like Timmy, I am soooo jealous!!

  23. Aww...very cute. So is Jack. Thanks so much for posting that picture. I understand the struggle and am glad you decided to go for it. Rock on!

  24. OMG you are so adorable! I always tried to imagine what you looked like (quit putting yourself down) I applaud you for posting a picture of yourself. I can't get over it; I was drawn to you the moment the image was in view (if only I were a man...).

    I know how hard it can be to post an image when you don't feel good about your self-image (hence why I have yet to post any pictures of myself; I make everyone else look smaller), but I mean it when I say you look marvelous! We've got nothing but love for you. You've got to believe in yourself...before I start quoting The Wiz [...oh, I can't help myself..."as I believe in you"].

    I have a hard time being serious.

    But I mean it; you look great, and never for a second think otherwise.

  25. Hey DD. I could right a whole book on self-esteem issues. I've had so many weight fluctuations in my life, I could be a better BFF to Oprah than Gayle King.

    To paraphrase what Marissa Jaret Winokur said when she was eliminated from Dancing With The Stars, "Shake what your momma gave you."

  26. Oooh...blogger is doing something freaky. *I* made this post:

    Blogger Laura said...
    Aren't you adorable? Jack is merely ok.
    Sorry about the lobster ;)
    June 6, 2008 4:26 PM

    And last time I checked, my name wasn't Laura....

  27. I agree with everyone else - you're abdustloutley ADORABLE! :)

  28. DDust = cutie

    The goatee/vanDyke is working - Well done bro!

  29. You are cutey! Self esteem stuff is just no fun at all - cause its so distorting and mind warping... you are totally adorable...

  30. That's awesome! Where you star struck?!

  31. Dwight - actually, I was pretty fucking excited!

    I have seen (and even worked with) TONS of celebs here in NYC - but for some reason these bitches got me WORKED UP!!!!
