
Monday, March 2, 2009

Madonna and The Baby Jesus...

... out in the NYC snow last night. Is is me, or does Jesus Luz get hotter ever day? You know that Madonna's kabbalahcootchie will do that to a man. If Sean Penn jumped back on that he could avoid thousands of dollars in future cosmetic surgery.

Check out more pictures from DListed HERE.


  1. There was a rumor, and I'm sure it isn't true, but it is quite funny, that Sean Penn went to Madonna's party on Oscar night, and when she intro'd him to the Baby Jeebus, Sean said, "I didn't know you'd adopted again."

  2. The Baby Jesus is so hot, he is obviously unaffected by freezing weather. Better than a hot water bottle between the sheets too....

    LOVE Bob's joke!

  3. Bob -

    I heard Sean said... "What, another kid??..."

    Either way, it's funny.


  4. i heart jesus

    (before now only crazies had that bumper sticker)
