
Monday, March 2, 2009

Snow Day In NYC

We have gotten about 10 inches of snow here in Manhattan - and most schools in the region are closed (including New York City public schools). City kids rarely get a "snow day" - I think the last time they closed schools for snow was 5 years ago.

The subway was empty this morning. I think many ADULTS decided to take a "snow day" as well.


  1. Sorry the weather is so shiteous, so I'll rub it in on this side. Ho the weather here is FABULOUS Honey, and in about 25 minutes it's goin to be raining men. Not really men, but one really hot black man!! >P.B.<

  2. A snow day in March. We've had them before but rarely. Stay cozy!

  3. We had a snow day here in Smallville, too.

    Schools, government offices, post offices, banks, closed.

    Trouble is, we ain't got no snow.

  4. Hey Mamie, even you New Yorkers need a snow day here and there. What are you doing today? We have I think now 8" here. Snow that is! It is pretty, but I'm ready for spring. Getting ready to write Winnie a letter girl. Take care.


  5. great pics of the snow. my daughters had the day off from school and didn't know what to do with themselves they were so relieved lol.

  6. It sure is pretty but I sure am over it!
