
Tuesday, April 7, 2009

My New Phone

I am such an idiot when it comes to any kind of technology - but I've been in desperate need of a new cell phone for a while.

So I finally got my T-Mobile bill paid up so I could negotiate a new contract with them. I've been with T-Mobile forever - actually I started with Omnipoint, which turned into VoiceStream, which was bought by T-Mobile. So even though my credit in the real world sucks ass, T-Mobile thinks I'm the Daddy Mack.

So I called them up and: a) got 400 texts/month b) got unlimited calling, and c) got a new free phone. And I got all of this for LESS than I was paying before. Previously I had to pay for all my text messages and I only had so many daytime minutes I could use each month.

And yesterday I received my free Nokia 5310...

Please DO NOT leave comments about how much this phone sucks. As long as this bitch can make and receive calls, I'm happy. And to demonstrate how 20th Century I am (as opposed to you 21st Century kids) - the only thing I figured out how to do was operate the FM Radio. I was thrilled!! Yeah, the phone also has one of those MP3 thingies, (I think) but I'm still not quite sure how those bitches work. I CAN, however, operate an FM Radio. Most of the time.

Even Oscar tried to show me some of the neat features of my new Nokia, but all I want to do is listen to the radio...

If it could just play my old Culture Club cassettes, my phone would be absolutely PERFECT...


  1. When we were looking for new cell phones the salesperson asked what i wanted in a phone, and I said,
    "I want to make and receive phone calls."
    He wasn't sure they carried that kind anymore!

  2. I'm just as technically-challenged as you. As long as I can make and receive calls and texts I'm happy too. Like the new phone though, looks snazzy!

  3. Love it! I got one of those touch screen thingys and I hate it.... I want my buttons back!

  4. OMG! I can text you now without getting yelled at? :)

  5. DO NOT leave comments about how much this phone sucks.

    Don't you hate that? It's the first thing people like to do when a new gadget is attained. Where's the tact?

    Congrats on the new toy!

  6. Hey, you won't hear any "that phone sucks" comments from me. I recently bought a cheapo TracFone, just for emergencies. And get doesn't even have a CAMERA! I'm such a Luddite. (I hate to talk on the regular phone. Why would I want to walk around talking on a cell phone?)

    Hugs, Beth

  7. I have such a generic cell phone - it does have a phone, but no text abilities, and I have never sent a text in my life. I am old, and figure that is why I have an email account. LOL

  8. My stupid phone has decided that it has passwords all of a sudden. This is a completely out of the blue development. I can't do anything because I don't have the password - WHAT FRICKING PASSWORD?! Gorilla Boy might be home this weekend so I'm going to hand it off to him and he can stomp it into a zillion pieces and then I'm going to buy a new one.

  9. I like your new phone. I got a pink BlackBerry Pearl last month. Love the Verizon "new free phone every two years" deal.

    And is there any question that you're the Daddy Mack? ;-)

  10. ahhhhh, Culture Club. them were the days....dancing all nioght long, and then going for breakfast before you went home....

    Me likey the new phone! I will be texting ya later!


  11. That is cute phone! Can I just tell you I was so excited when Katie taught me to work itunes, download music onto my phone and TEXT! I think you need to rent a teenager for a day. I'd even send you Kate, if I didn't know she'd decide to stay in New York!

  12. I love my old Culture Clubs CDS too...I do try to keep up with all this tech...I have a hard time..I have managed to get my CC on my i pod....I love it..

  13. Girl- you better make sure how to use the damn thing so when I call ya, you don't have the Mistress on speaker dishing some dirt!!!!!! to the whole world.

  14. OMG what a cute phone. I like it!

  15. Congrats on the phone. Love the pic of the little boy. I often have that look with my phone.

  16. I have Verizon, and it's time for me to get a new phone. I really like yours! And yes what's with people who have to trash your new stuff? Jerks!

    I can't do all the things on my phone either but like the gadgets!
