
Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Thank You Vermont!

Today Vermont became the first state to approve gay marriage via legislation (as opposed to court order). The people's representatives voted, the governor vetoed, and the legislature VOTED TO OVERRIDE HIS REPUBLICAN ASS! Way to go Vermont - you always seem to lead the way on this issue.

Conservatives complain about "activist judges" not listening to the "will of the people" when courts have approved gay marriage in other states. Well LISTEN UP, FUCKTARDS - the PEOPLE (via their elected representatives) made THIS decision.

I have a feeling Dust Bunny Amber and The LeMay girls (below) of Beaver Pond, VT will be getting drunker than usual this weekend...

Now I'm going to round up some Pure Maple Syrup and and a Hot Papi and do my own personal tribute to the great state of Vermont...


  1. VT rocks! Gov. DO-LESS shouldn't have vetoed it in the 1st place....

  2. Hey Double D -
    It is a glorious day! My "friend" Bob is a Justice of the Peace... I hope he lets me attend some ceremonies with him... you'll get pictures!!

  3. I was there at the State House when it happened and let me tell you it was SOMETHING. I sat right next to some bible freaks that prayed the whole time. Guess God was tired of listening to their BS.

  4. I dont think its possible for those girls to drink more lol

    i've seen them in action

  5. Good job, Vermont!

    "Fucktard" is one of my favorite words, and I reserve it for special occasions. This one works for me. :)

    Hugs, Beth

  6. You could use some Ben & Jerry's ice cream with that syrup too ;)

    New England rocks! I am so proud to be from there. 3 out of the 6 NE states have approved gay marriage. And NH, my home state, has passed a bill in the House and now just need it to pass in the Senate! Happy day

  7. Wonderful news isn't it? Now more states can follow suit!

  8. Hallelujiah! This is the first step and hopefully the fight here in California will receive a boost from Vermont's victory.

  9. Hey VtBear - Then you can attest - never stand between a LeMay and a bottle vodka or a camera!

  10. Celebrate good times! Oh yes!

  11. "Now I'm going to round up some Pure Maple Syrup and and a Hot Papi and do my own personal tribute to the great state of Vermont."

    LOL - you are brilliant!
