
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I've Been Tagged

I have a long-standing POLICY against participating in tags/memes/lists/blog awards/etc - but in this case I can't say "no". The fabulous Miss Ginger Grant GAVE ME AN HONEST BLOGGER AWARD on Sunday, and since Ginger is coming all the way to NYC (from Houston) for Drunken Dust Bunny Weekend, I am happy to participate. After all, I learned long ago NEVER to piss off a Drag Queen.

Ten Honest Things About Me:

1. I despise Facebook, and only log on briefly to answer "friend" requests. If you are my friend, call me, send me an email, or leave a comment on my blog. Don't "write on my wall".

2. When I was a kid, my favorite color was blue. In my 20's and 30's, it was green. Now it is red.

3. I am absolutely terrified of looking foolish in front of others. I am still haunted by embarrassing incidents from as far back as Kindergarten. These memories still sting like they happened yesterday.

4. I will slit your throat if you ever tell me you "forgot to eat". Seriously - I'll cut a (skinny) bitch.

5. I don't understand how people enjoy exercise. In my mind, that would be like looking forward to getting water-boarded. Exercise=Torture. I think Congress should investigate this, BTW.

6. I would rather be alone.

7. If I am listening to a duet sung by a man and a woman - I always sing the woman's part. This began after I received my very first record album - the Grease soundtrack. I always sang the Sandy/Pink Ladies parts. But my favorite song from the movie/album was Rizzo (Stockard Channing) singing "Look At Me, I'm Sandra Dee".

8. "Angels In America" was the most powerful thing I've ever seen on television.

9. Upon returning to NYC after a trip, seeing the skyline always comforts me and makes me smile.

10. The money in my wallet is always arranged facing front and in denomination order. My apartment is a disaster, but my wallet is always immaculate.


  1. #3, #4 and #5 are all me as well. I hate people that say they love to run. Who loves to run? Also #7 is me too but normal for me maybe not as much so for you (hee hee). Love ya.

  2. my husband loves to run....ya. weirdo.

    I too hate people who "forget to eat" or are "so busy chasing after my kids I don't have TIME to eat". That's what they make the drive-thru for bitch!!!!


    I can't wait to see that skyline myself.

  3. Very interesteing.
    I learn more and more about you every day, Rizzo, er, David.

    PS I liked Sandy, AFTER the transformation.

  4. ::zips his lips so David won't know that he forgot to eat lunch today::


    I totally agree on Facebook! Call my house and talk to me. Damn: myspace, twitter, and facebook. Damn them all.

  5. I enjoyed your list! I had a really hard time coming up with things I was willing to admit to on a public blog. LOL

    XOXO Beth

  6. Love the list. I too hate people who "forget to eat." I personally think they just say that to ensure you recognize their superiority.

  7. I luv me some honest ho's.
    gurl, i've been tagged my damn self. Rizzo was the shit. That was a ho before her time.

  8. I sorta find memes irresistable, but then I have always liked to filling out questionares (who know why.
    I like this one, David... it reveals alot.

    I agree with Angels In America... I am not the same for having seen it.

  9. See, now that didn't hurt a bit! I actually don't usually do those things either but I enjoyed reading edder's so I felt obliged.

  10. I'm right there with you on #10! It drives me crazy when other people wad up their money and crumple it in their pocket or purse. It's none of my business, but that doesn't stop me.

    Love you!! Love your list!!!

  11. LMFAO ~ i do the same thing w/ my wallet (when i have money and cash at the same time)... i can't stand to have to search through my money for that one $5 bill or whatever.

    and i always sing the man parts in duets... what does that say about me? LOL!

  12. I totally agree with your #1. And don't even get me started on Twitter.

    Blue has always been my favorite color. At one time I had 46 shirts that were various shades of blue. Yikes!

    I thought I was the ONLY one who had the deep, dark secret of singing the female parts of duets?! We need to start a club!

    Whenever I return to Minneapolis after a vacation, I get the same feeling when I see the skyline. Feels like home!

  13. This has always been one of my favorite memes. Very interesting facts, Mr. Rizzo.

  14. My favorite "Grease" song is either "There Are Worse Things I Could Do" or "Hopelessly Devoted".
