
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

"Pick Up Your Sweatpants!"

Oscar was a little upset about how unproductive I was over the weekend - but of course he didn't offer to help. I was supposed to get my dumpy apartment ready for Drunken Dust Bunny guests, but I only put a small dent in the dirt.

I am working at my day job today and tomorrow - and I'll be cleaning, doing laundry, and getting ready for the weekend when I'm not working. So posting will be light until Friday - and there will be no posts on Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Because I will be too drunk to find my computer.


  1. Mama Bunny sez:
    Was channeling through Oscar. Glad to hear the message was received. Have a great DDBBTW!

    Love you

  2. Oscar is so CUTE!
    But he sure is quite the DIVA I'll say!

  3. Pay attention to Ocar! Sounds as if Mama Bunny is definitely speaking through him!

  4. Don't let my mother fool you - everything I learned about housekeeping, I learned from her. BY EXAMPLE, I might add...


  5. Do you really think these people are coming to see a clean apartment? Hell no! They are coming to see you, darling boy.

    But listen to your Mama, because Mama always knows best.

  6. MAME- Why in hell do you have all this to do at the last minute? How much warning did you have girl! And that will SO BE YOU passed out on Saturday night at the bottom of your staircase.


  7. Love the graphics. Hope your week is super productive and your weekend stupendous :o)

  8. That last picture totally cracked me up! I'm so confused, though. I thought DDBW was THIS weekend? It's next weekend? I've totally lost track of time, and the early Memorial Day threw me for a loop. Damn, I'm tired. I feel like that guy in the picture. XOXO Beth

  9. Beth -

    DDBW begins in two days.


  10. I totally get it. Mistress Maddie and Miss Ginger are so organized, neat, and perfect that they don't know how it is for us slobs who have so much more to do to get ready for company than they do! I wish I were like they are, but we are alike in too many ways, my sweet nephew David!

  11. Thank you Auntie Flame.

    And don't these bitches know that if I clean TOO early, it will just get dirty before they arrive!! :)

