
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Prop 8 Upheld - Protests Planned

As many of you already know, Proposition 8 was upheld by the California Supreme Court (although the existing 18,000 same-sex marriages are allowed to stand). So the people at Day of Decision will be coordinating PROTESTS, not celebrations.

I walked over to Sheridan Square a few minutes ago (the site of the NYC Protest at 6:00 pm) and I noticed blue police barricades had been delivered, but not set up yet.

BTW - if you look closely at the picture above, you can see the famous George Segal sculptures - "Gay Liberation" in Christopher Park (on the right). The park is directly across the street from the Stonewall Inn, and this was where the Gays and Drag Queens held their ground and barraged the police with bricks, bottles, and even pennies on the night of the Stonewall Riots.


  1. I'm busy right now, collecting bricks, bottles, and pennies.

  2. There's a march in Sac, from the Gay and Lesbian center to the Capitol steps.

    This is unacceptable.

  3. Crazy decision!!! So, 18,000 couples are legal and no one else in California can have that same right. Makes no sense and I think gives way to a reasonable appeal which I see coming very quickly now!

    LB Anon

    P.S. Oscar is so adorable!!!

  4. I just heard about this while ago. Let the protests begin!!!! I can't believe this happened again.

  5. Protests started this morning in SF. I am so disappointed in my state.

  6. I'm glad they let the marriages stand but this is creating a two tiered system and those never work. Was surprised they did a split decision like that. I know people are mad but hope no-one gets hurt tonight.

  7. Though I can see why they upheld the decision since it was a majority vote and we are a democratic society, I am sick that this is even an issue in the first place. I cannot really blame the courts for enforcing the proposition, the blame falls on the uninformed and ignorant who voted it in in the first place. Those are the people I will try to reach and educate and make them realize why their mentality is so wrong. I cannot go to a protest today, but I will be voicing my anger over the whole matter through any means possible. It amazes me that my home state of NH is more forward thinking than CA where I am now.

  8. the time will come sooner than we think...
