Friday, June 12, 2009

Caption This...


Stephen said...

" is those sweet, unexpected, tender moments that will live on when we think of our prom."

Eric Arvin said...

Awe. Sweet :-)

kayce. said...

well, idk what the caption should be, but they look like the poster-children for DDBW. ^_^

Anonymous said...

we want to be part of the Dust Bunnies, so let's have a DDBW....

Congrats David - 200!!!!!


LB Anon

David Dust said...

Dear LB Anon -


Every time I reach a "milestone" number of followers, I lose one or two the minute I say anything on the blog about it!


P.S. - Thanks!

David Dust said...

Press realeas from the National Organization for Marriage (AKA "NOM"):

"As predicted, Gay Marriage has now led to Bunny-on-Bunny Marriage. These cute perverts will surely be going to Hell ... or a fierce Halloween party - one or the other.

behrmark said...

"Hugh Hefner exhibits support for gay relationships by adopting male bunnies at the infamous Playboy mansion."

Anonymous said...

"Can I dust off your bunny?"

Ken Riches said...

Dust Bunny Dream :o)

Unknown said...

LOL Behrmark!

KLBBeach said...

Chocolate Easter Bunny - $5
Pet Bunny Rabbit -$25
Drunken Bunney Hookup - Priceless

Mark in DE said...

Paris Hilton's gay brother and a Filipino foreign exchange student go for a low-key Easter drive.

Unknown said...

wonder eggs @?

Tom A. said...

"Dust Bunny FAIL."

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