Thursday, June 11, 2009

Daddy of the Day - Juan Jose Bracho ... AGAIN!

Juan Jose Bracho is just too gorgeous. In fact, I'm thinking about retiring from blogging and taking up full-time STALKING. See yesterday's post HERE, my first post HERE - and Mr. Bracho's MySpace page HERE.


Unknown said...

I will have his children. Really, I will.

Dwight Supremacy said...

If I had a Trapper Keeper, "Juan y Dwight" and "Dwight Bracho" would be written all over it! Tee hee!

behrmark said...

Stalk him?! That's for amateurs. I'm going to kidnap him, drag his gorgeous butt to Iowa or New Hampshire, and marry the man!

Marker said...

LOL @ Howard and Dwight!!!

It is not possible to get enough of JJ Bracho!

RAD said...

holy toledo!

Mark in DE said...

That's a whole lotta hotness right there.

Robert Kent said...

Hot damm he is one fine specimen..please post more

Sassy said...

LOL @ behrmark.

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