
Friday, June 26, 2009

Dinner With Friends

I had a lovely dinner last night with my friend The Minx (who's newest blog project is All Top Chef), the delightful Laura K (from Blogging Bravo and Blogging Project Runway), and Laura K's fabulous friend Roz. Since we all wanted to catch up, no one answered their phones during dinner (which was at Mario Batali's excellent pizza place - Otto). So it wasn't until we had separated and I returned my roommate's missed call that I found out about Michael Jackson's death. Holy Crap - I still can hardly believe it.

In a way, I'm glad we didn't find out during dinner - the sad news would have really dampened a wonderful evening. Otto is a nice place - it's reasonably priced and just steps away from Washington Square Park in Greenwich Village. Otto specializes in antipasti, small-plate pastas, and delicious thin-crust pizzas! Here are the four pizzas we ordered (and shared)...

Laura K. ordered Four-Cheese...

I can't remember what this one was called, but Roz gave me the slice with the prosciutto on it (delish!)...

The Minx ordered Mushrooms and Taleggio cheese...

Finally, I ordered the asparagus and goat cheese...

After dinner The Minx and I took the subway uptown, and we passed Parsons - where Project Runway is currently filming. There was even a VERY PR-ish white van parked out front...

But, alas, there was no Tim Gunn sighting...


  1. ah do I love thee?

    I totally freaked out over Michael Jackson. My husband told me he had a heart attack..I was layng on the couch, taking a nap. When I woke up, he was dead. so sad.

    But the t hing that gets me is this....when he was allive, where were all these people praising him? he was just a freak then....but now he's this God of Pop. True, he was an entertainer like no other. and his music will live on forever. and that is some fantastic music!!!

    I feel so bad for his kids, cuz what in the world will happen to them now?

  2. Okay, that pizza is making me drool. I am the original pizza whore.

    I'm with Beth. The man lived the last part of his life as a punchline, and I'm rolling my eyes at these TV and radio hosts that are eulogizing him now, when two weeks ago, they were ripping him to shreds.

    I will be playing my Thriller album today, remembering the good stuff.

  3. Sounds like a fun dinner! Those pizzas look delish....

    I think we've got ourselves another Elvis-style death here, with an unscrupulous doctor feeding him pills. I hope they find the bastard and can prosecute him. XOXO

  4. Your asparagus and goat cheese pizza is making my mouth water! Sounds like a lovely evening indeed. I miss NYC.

  5. I'm glad none of you answered phone calls during dinner. That's the polite thing to do.

    Signed, Miss Manners

  6. It was a lovely evening indeed!

    The pizzas were crisp and delicious. I liked Minx's choice with the mushrooms.

    Thanks for the cookies as well, DD. We ate them while watching "The Fashion Show."


  7. I'm glad we finally got to go to Otto! Maybe next time we can go to Arby's ;)

