
Friday, June 26, 2009

Happy Birthday Derek Jeter

New York Yankee Captain Derek Jeter turns 35 today - Happy Birthday! When DJ was a rookie, he stopped by the restaurant I worked at a few times, and he was the epitome of the tall, dark and handsome sports star. He was also very polite - but he never failed to notice a gorgeous woman who might walk into the room.

You would not believe how incredibly handsome Derek is in a suit and tie. I once walked past him at the Nike Store, and almost fainted when we got face-to-face. Gorgeous!

But the absolute best place to see Jeter is on the field. I am not lying about this: no matter where you sat at the old Yankee Stadium, you could see Jeter's butt straining against his uniform. Even in the upper deck! That booty should be listed as a New York City Landmark...


  1. I'm not a Yankees fan, but I gotta admit: that IS a nice booty. XOXO Beth

  2. I'm not a Yankees fan either but Derek seems like a cool guy I have to admit. It's Alex Rodriguez I can't stomach at all. UGH!

  3. David, kindly repost this on MALE please. You know I love me some Derek! I'm too lazy to do a birthday shout out today.

    And I love that one ass shot of Jete. Damn! I know he's not gay, but it never hurts to fantasize...

  4. Derek Jeter? I thought his name was Hottie McHotser...
