
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

It Never Fails...

Just when things seems to be going well, the shit comes crashing down around me. I finished my report-from-Hell at work, and the numbers weren't bad at all. I had a fabulous weekend with the Dust Bunnies. I was happy.

And then last night my computer became seriously infected with some nasty spyware - and it is unusable. The last time something similar happened, my roommate was able to do a System Restore and get it to work again. I can't get it to do anything - the spyware has shut down my security software and disabled pretty much everything. My screen-saver has been replaced by a big WARNING sign, followed by a message in extremely bad English about how my computer is infected and it could "harm my life!". I am afraid that this time I have lost everything - including hundreds of hottie and funny pictures which took untold hours to collect - as well as all my DDBW and other personal pictures. And no, I didn't backup anything because I'm a fucking moron and don't know how. I'm like those pitiful bitches from The Fashion NO who can't use a sewing machine - I'm a Blogger who's not very good at using a computer.

So, once again, I will be scarce here in Blogville until I can figure out what to do. Taking my computer to a professional is out of the question at this point - I need to focus on getting caught up on my rent/bills right now.

I will do what I can from my work computer (after-hours, of course) ... but I probably won't be around much for a while. And unfortunately I'll only be able to moderate your comments during regular business hours when I'm at work.

And of course this happens at a time when DavidDust is really building momentum. Yesterday I had a RECORD number of page views (7057), unique visitors (4,581), and returning visitors (610). Like I said, it never, EVER, fucking fails...


  1. Sorry. Computer problems are way more stressful than anything else. Ugh! My sympathies, David. It's the most unsettling thing not to have your computer, and also to lose loads of personal items.

  2. Oh noes! I hope your friend is able to help. XO

  3. I hate computer trouble as much as I hate car trouble, because I do not understand the lingo. When a computer geek asked me if had had a back-up, I literally stepped.........back.
    I know. :::::sigh:::::

  4. So sorry David. I don't feel so bad now after spending $49.95 to McAfee for virus protection last month. But I've been in your boat too and it's no fun.

  5. OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! all those pictures of hotties, so nicely organized!!!

    I guess you'll just have to blog at work, after hours, of course.

    and stop showing off about your numbers Bitch!


    ps. Rae says, Thanks Uncle Tranny, for taking good care of her Mama!!!

  6. C'est moi, c'est moi LolaJune 2, 2009 at 1:17 PM

    I'm so sorry David. Your predicament is why I sometimes endure the "wokca-wocka-wocka" talk of the techie guys I know and can call in a pinch when good computing goes bad.

    Good luck to repairing your computer! I guess you'll just have to go old school and seek out hot papis in the flesh. You have a camera-phone, and know how to use it, right? ;)

  7. Isn't there someone you know who is a techno-geek who would do a favor for a tranny? Wish I could help, but am far better with the Mac than I am with the PC.

  8. when i was pc-less i went to the public library. a lot. it was free.

    hope it all gets fixed soon.


  9. Sorry to hear about that...but things will look up.

    Oh, I will email you about NYC

  10. Mame- if you don't get your laptop fixed let me know, because I may have a solution.


  11. Oh dear, DD!
    That's the tough thing about working for a small company versus a conglomerate like "America's Favorite Department Store"- we have tons of system geeks that will take a computer and fix it over the weekend for a bottle of tequila and a carton of cigarettes. Maybe if you took it to Herald Square and told them "I know Miss Ginger...."
    On second thought, do you have a company that maintains the computers at work that may have someone who would do it on the side for some liquor and tabacco?

  12. Oh the horror! It's like losing two of your senses! Yes, the public library! Good suggestion, MA! I hope you get it fixed soon. When I win the lottery, I'll buy you a new one.

  13. OH NO!! But its NYC - there's got to be some techno-savvy friend you can call to your rescue, right?

    Sending you happy thoughts!!
