
Monday, June 22, 2009

Pride Week In NYC

This is Pride Week in New York City - culminating in the Pride March (it's not a parade - it's a MARCH) on Sunday. For a list of official Pride activites, go to the Heritage of Pride site HERE. And for a list of all the bar and club happenings this week, check out HX.

Have a Happy & Healthy Pride!!!!


  1. I always miss all the good stuff!!!

    and TWO SIXTEEN now???!!! DAY-UM!!!!!


  2. Have a great time at Pride!! I just went to Nashville Pride this weekend - you were represented as my Peace Bitch button had arrived the night before (thanks!). Also got to see Lady Bunny perform and she had me cracking up! Just found out that our Pride here in Atlanta has been moved to Halloween! So excited - I won't be dying from the heat and have an extra reason to wear a costume!

  3. Happy Gay Pride Mamie!!! What's on tap for you for the up-coming weekend?

    JOJO- and how was Lady Bunny? She is my ALL TIME FAVORITE QUEEN! That had to be a good time. And a Halloween Pride would be out of this world!

  4. I'm jumping on the Bolt Bus and making my way 2 the City! Yipppiee!

  5. Mistress Maddie - Lady Bunny was sooo fabulous, she put every one else to shame!!! Also went to a burlesque show later that evening and saw this young guy perform - he was amazing - performs while hanging from the ceiling (sometimes by his hair!!) Here is his profile
    If he is ever in your city you should check him out - met him after and he was sweet as pie!
