
Monday, June 22, 2009

True Blood

My current favorite TV show got even better last night with shirtless shots of the unbelievably hot Mehcad Brooks. Oh ... Em ... Gee ...

I definitely need to work on a "Hottie of the Day" post for Mr. Brooks...


  1. Mehcad looked hot last night. That six pack was poppin'.

  2. He used to be on Desperate Housewives.
    Hot hot hot.

  3. Yes, he's quite fetching! Glad they have him on there. And what about Lafayette becoming a vamp?!! Sookie is in some deep trouble with Bill now! There might not be any make-up sex for a while.

  4. Hope to watch tonight. DL'ed it last night, so I can catch up.

  5. I was like okay...can he keep his shirt off?

  6. Thanks, Bob. Now I know why he looks familiar! I kept wondering where I'd seen him.

    Sorry, Howard. Hope you didn't read my comment before you watched it. I'll refrain from being specific until after more people have caught up. Usually I'm the one who hasn't seen it yet.

  7. Are you kidding me??!!! I am OBSESSED with this show!!! I LOVE Lafeyette!! and I'm upgrading my cable just so I can get HBO, to watch one single show on sunday nights!!!
