
Monday, June 15, 2009

Time To Get Back On The Wagon

I have been SOOOOOO bad lately. Today I try this again...


  1. Right there with you. Told my dr. I'm afraid I'll be thrown overboard in the new health care - heard a politician say that 1/2 of Medicare goes to 1/5th of people who eat too much, don't exercise and smoke. SO?!
    What's the next thought here, Mr. Politician, let's toss those people?? (See my post on serial killers and politicians...) They're going to be after us, let's get in shape so we can RUN!

  2. We're on the same page. I got out the low-carb cookbooks and other "inspirational reading" to get myself back on the diet-and-exercise and organization wagon, too. It takes 21 days to establish a habit. Let the brainwashing begin!

  3. Well since I'm here in the salad bowl capital of the world, what better time to stop with my constant grazing of unhealthy shit. So make room on the wagon for me biatch. Let's Ride ho.
