
Monday, June 15, 2009

Cristiano Ronaldo: Don't Hate On My Pink Flower

According to Towleroad, footballer Cristiano Ronaldo recently defended his wardrobe choices of tight pants, short-shorts, and his pink hat/flower:

"This year it was the pink hat with the flower. I don’t see what is wrong with it. I can see why, if you weren’t comfortable with your sexuality, you might not wear it. But I’m very comfortable so it’s not a problem for me. Men wear pink these days. OK, not many men wear flowers, but it’s good to be different."

Yeah, but did he explain the Daddy Bear who recently touched him inappropriately?

Anywhore, I recently suggested that Cristiano may secretly be a Friend of Dorothy/Liza/Cher/Etc. But after reading that he and Paris Hilton spent two evenings together last week (see picture, below), I am now convinced he is 100% straight. No Closet-Case would go near that walking Herpes Ranch just for show - this man is a brave, PROFESSIONAL heterosexual.


  1. Interesting photos. I'm guessing the Hilton Incident is a smoke screen. To get thru those two days he probably just thought about the guy rubbing his stomach.

  2. The timing of the Paris Hilton incident is a little too convenient, a little too public. No one sneaks camera phone pictures at MyHouse, the very exclusive nightclub where this occurred, which by the way is just two blocks from my house. This was a staged event. - timF

  3. "Walking Herpes Ranch." Hahaha!

  4. His response about being comfortable with his sexuality were right on point.

  5. where i come from any gal wearing a skirt so short you have to put a star over her hoo-hah is a hooker....

    i agree with sam. the herpes ranch is a beard!!!!

