Monday, June 8, 2009

World Ocean's Day - Let's Party!

Today is World Ocean's Day. In honor of this auspicious occasion, I present to you a hot Papi Mer-man (above), and a little bit of Disco Ethel Merman (below).


Kanani said...

Haha! I knew you'd have your own take on this!! xxxxooooo

behrmark said...

LOVE the hot papi-merman!

Chucho Perusquía said...

He's even cuter than Zoolander's mer-man add

Wonder Man said...

hot fish

Anonymous said...


David Dust said...

Dear Anon -

Yeah, I know ... it doesn't make much sense.

Ya win some and ya lose some...


Eric Arvin said...

Where can I get a set of those flippers?!

Mark in DE said...

I have that Ethel Merman disco CD and it is FAB-U-LOUS!!

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