
Thursday, July 2, 2009

Anti-Gay "Legion of Doom" Forms

According to Joe.My.God, a bunch of anti-gay hate groups have joined forces to form the Fucktard "Freedom Federation". This anti-gay hate machine will consist of such vile "humans" as Tony Perkins (Family Research Council), Phyllis Schlafly, Ruben Diaz (who is fighting against marriage equality in NY), James Dobson (Focus on the F#cking Family), and Matt Barber (Liberty Counsel)- who, BTW, has QUITE a limp wrist (below)...

Isn't there some kind of gay "Bat Signal" we could use to call for help against these forces of evil?...

Actually, we DO have our own version of the bat signal...

... but I'm not sure what superhero it would summon to defend us. Maybe Cher? Or RuPaul?? Click HERE and name YOUR Gay Superhero - for a chance to win a FREE DVD!


  1. How 'bout a contest for the name of our super hero? I'll gladly offer a copy of "Slingbacks and Syrup" to the one chosen by you as most worthy.


  2. I think this shows desperation more than anything....the times they are a changin' and hate of any kind is just not acceptable.
    Unfortuantely, I think we may see more "hate" crimes in the near future, before people settle down.
    Think of Dr. Twiller, etc. and remember how long it took after sweeping civil rights leg. for people to just grow up and get over it.
    Peace and tolerance always.....all other options are unacceptable!

    LB anon

  3. Amber - We're going to take you up on that offer. I'm working on a post now...


  4. I love the disco ball bat signal! XOXO

  5. I vote for RuPaul.

  6. No not Cher or Rupaul...

    My Super Shero is Sasha Fierce! She can kick ass and change outfits at the sametime. =0)

  7. Hopefully RuPaul will summon the power of Judy Garland and give us the needed assistance.

  8. love this I just wrote about them...we need to get ready
