
Thursday, July 2, 2009

"Name Your Gay Superhero" Contest

In my last post I wrote about a bunch of anti-gay groups forming into one giant ball of vile hatred, in order to fight the "homosexual agenda". In that post I wondered what gay superhero would answer the call when we activated the "Gay Bat-Signal"...

Amber LeMay had a great idea - she is offering a FREE copy of Slingbacks and Syrup (the documentary about the House of LeMay) for anyone who can come up with a fierce gay superhero.

I will start, even though I'm ineligible to win - I already own a copy of the fabulous Slingbacks and Syrup!...

My gay superhero's name would be Miss Spent Youth. She is a drag queen, and her secret power is the ability to age a Ho 50 years with her withering gaze and a wave of her gloved hand.

Who is YOUR gay superhero? Leave a comment to be entered in the contest. Amber will select the winner, since she is providing the prize ...


  1. David Dust!!!!

    They will die from uncontrollable laughter when they read his blogs...a definite Hero in difficult times!!!

    LB Anon

  2. I know this is supposed to be funny but the first name that popped into my head was - Lt. Dan Choi.

  3. I agree with frogponder. West Point graduate, Arabic Linguist and decorated serviceman Lt. Dan Choi is fighting Don't Ask Don't Tell after being dismissed. The Federal Recognition Board issued its recommendation on Tuesday that he be discharged from the Army for "moral and professional dereliction" under the military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy. If you want to help him, go to

  4. I was going to respond yesterday but after I read the more serious suggestion I backed off. But here goes!

    Lumberjack Man...oh you know the type...Bo flannel shirt...breaking down stereotypes...and spreading his charms to all....

  5. "The Galloping Gay Gadiator"

    He will ride in on his gay, white horse to save the day!
