
Monday, July 6, 2009

My Hometown: Tea Bagging and Funny Boats

Conservatives held anti-tax "Tea Parties" over the July 4th weekend, in order to protest the Obama administration's "tax and spend" policies. Because, you know, George W. Bush was so fiscally responsible and whatnot...

About 150 people attended a Tea Party in the historic town square of Carlisle, PA - the town where I was born and raised (pics above and below). Apparently "Don't Tread on Me" is the "Yes We Can" of the Wingnutty set.

But Carlisle isn't all bad. It also hosted the annual "Anything Floats" competition as part of the July 4th weekend Summerfair celebration. I am so old that I remember going to the VERY FIRST Anything Floats (held on the Conodoguinet Creek) back in 1978. Here are some of the entrants from this year, held at Children's Lake in nearby Boiling Springs, PA ...

And, as was the case at the very first Anything Floats that I saw as a child, some things just WON'T float for long ...


  1. That "Anything Floats" parade looks funny!

  2. Looks like fun with the floating part!

    Those teabaggers won't give it up, will they? LOL
