
Monday, July 6, 2009

White Meat Monday Celebrity - Ben Affleck

When did Ben Affleck become so hot?!? I've always been more of a Matt Damon gal, but after seeing this I might have to change my mind...


  1. Even thought he looks really great in this photo. I still think he is one of the worst actors to ever grace the screen.

  2. he IS hot in this pic....and he has a killer smile...but I think he's kind of douche-y. But jen Garner is cute as a button!!!


  3. Hmm... I kind of see it. It helps that he's silent. ;-)

  4. He does look good in those pics. I'm much more a Matt Damon guy. (I love how we always associate those two together. Kinky).

    I've always said that Ben is the guy you check into a seedy motel with for a weekend of cheap booze and cheap sex. Matt is the one you take home to meet mom. At least that's what I would do with them.

  5. I have always thought hewas the hotter of the two.

  6. For some men, aging improves their looks.

  7. I thought he was really cute when I first saw him years ago in "Chasing Amy." He's gotten better with age. I also think he's a pretty decent actor, but has made some very poor role choices. Don't count him out.

    Anyhoo, I'd definitely hike the Appalachian Trail with him! Kidding! I'm kidding! Okay, if I were SINGLE, I'd hike the Appalachian Trail with him. ;) XOXO Beth

  8. Affleck and Damon go back and forth on the hotness scale depending on the photo. I have seen pics of Matt where he looks like the damn Missing Link! Then other times he is sexy as hell. Ben looks hot in this photo but let's get him out in the sunlight and THEN have a look at him!

    Either way, he sucks as a performer. This man couldn't ACT surprised at a birthday party!

  9. I too have always been a Matt Damon gal (hello the Bourne series alone) but this is a cute picture and I thought he was very cute in He's Just Not That Into You.

  10. Sorry, just not happening for me.

  11. I wonder about the rumors that he and Matt didn't write Good Will Hunting.
