
Thursday, August 6, 2009

And People Say GAY Couples Are Weird??

I don't care what these people do in the privacy of their own homes, but why must they flaunt their deviant lifestyles for the whole world to see?? This is just plain WRONG.


  1. You KNOW the 2 in the bathtub both work as strippers...
    I wouldn't mind catching his show!
    I'm pretty sure hers is skanky!

  2. Seriously, do these people look at these pictures and say, Damn! We look good!
    That said, I'd like to get nekkid in a tin tub with Carlos for our next Christmas Card.

  3. damm breaders....he he...just kidding! To each its each its own....

  4. I am with Ms G. I want to be in the first ones tub. Of course that means the skank needs to go!

  5. The first one is my fav. I want to be in the tub with him!

  6. These are great--I think I saw these on Awkward Family Photos, the website you recommended. It really is hilarious! I love the one of the guy hanging upside down from the tree. What's the deal? Does he have a prehensile penis? LOL XOXO Beth

  7. For the love of Mike! Maybe we should make gay marriage legal and outlaw straight marriage. That first pic made me throw up in my mouth a little. And the upside down kissers? If I could slap through the computer, I would.

    Gee, I hope my rotten-ass mood isn't too obvious here...
