
Thursday, August 6, 2009

I Survived The Doctor

As I've said many time - I avoid Doctors at all costs. But recently my Big Ball of Crazy seemed to be getting even bigger - so I knew it was time to make an appointment.

My Doctor (and everybody in the Doctor's office) couldn't have been nicer. I explained to them that I was a PSYCHO BIATCH FROM HELL when it came to visiting Doctors and Dentists. Dr. A. responded: "Dentists? Well that's understandable...".

I explained what's been going on, and Dr. A said that I definitely showed signs of depression, and he prescribed me an anti-depressant. He mentioned that this particular antidepressant wouldn't make me gain weight (thank Jeebus). He also took some blood (I squirmed like a total wuss, natch) and they gave me another appointment to come back in 3 weeks - which I'll do.

One of the concerns I had was of the cost of the drug he prescribed. Well, it turned out they had a display of samples at the front desk (10 weeks worth) - and they gave me the entire display for FREE. Free Drugs = Good!

We will see in the next couple of weeks if I respond to the medication or not. But I must say, I was proud of myself for actually showing up for the appointment. This was definitely a step in the right direction.


  1. (a) I'm glad that you were able to get the samples for free. If $$ is an issue, look into the pharmaceutical company's PAP (patient assistance program or prescription assistance program). It may take a little research, but basically, you fill out a form and if you qualify, drugs = free. Try to google the pharmaceutical company's name and "PAP" (e.g., Forrest makes Lexapro).

    Your readers love you, batshit crazy and all, but I hope that the meds help you. Welcome to the world of happy pills!

  2. Honey.... my magic pink pills make all the difference in the world! If I accidentally miss a day, the whole world suffers!
    I'm SOOOO proud of your for overcoming your concerns and doing what's right!

  3. I am glad that you were able to get something. Give it a few weeks though. Those drugs are never instantanious. I was on Lexapro for a period of time and it truly evened me out (I have a tendency to live in my head just a little).

  4. YAYAYAYAYYYYYYY!!!! Drugs are good!!! and Tranny...I AM SO PROUD OF YOU! That first step is always the hardest to take and you did might take a couple of weeks to notice a difference, but then again, it took me only days to see a difference. and I LOVE my drugs!!!

    You go girl!!!!

    I love ya, depressed OR happy! ;)


  5. I’m happy for you and glad to hear I am not the only one who avoids doctors! LOL

    Hang in there Champ; we’re all cheering you on!

  6. Love the chimp "pick"!
    You are now riding in the same boat as so many other people....
    as others have noted, takes a while and sometimes different meds need to be tried.
    Also glad you had blood work done to make sure there are no other problems.
    Have a happy day.....
    LB anon

  7. Good for you.
    Glad the visit went so well, so you won't be so leery in the future.

    As for the chimp picture....I've been there.

  8. That a girl. Now dont forget that antidepressents work best when taken with vodka! :)

  9. You are a brave man, sir! We salute you!

  10. I'm so proud of you, hon! I hope this really helps. I also love it that your doctor has such a good sense of humor--that's always a plus--and he listened to your concerns and TALKED with you. Good doctors are wonderful's hard to put your body and your health into someone else's hands. Knowing that they are trustworthy, kind, and very good at what they do can make all the difference in the world. I'm so glad you found one like that! XOXO Beth

  11. I knew you could do it! And yay better living through chemistry, and for free drugs!

  12. I am so proud of you. Believe me, I understand where you're at.

  13. Glad to hear it went so positively.

  14. I'm glad that the visit was positive, and I hope that the anti-depressant works for you. If it doesn't, or if you feel weird, stop taking it and call your doctor - not all drugs work for all people and you could just need a switch.

    love you! mean it!


  15. Good luck with the pills, I didn't like them but then I'm a pill avoider (other than my vitamins). Have them check your vitamin D level, I started taking vitamin D3 and have been feeling much less depressed. Buying my own home and leaving the old grumpy man probably helped too.

    What ever works!

  16. Good for you...
    Brave baby steps. I have been on anti-depressents since January & they have saved my life. You will not feel immediate results, they take up to 6 weeks to build up.
    You readers heart you, DD!

  17. So glad you had the courage to go to the dr's (i'm a total wuss)! Hope you get to feeling better soon. Also - I find that buying my scripts online is ALOT cheaper (I work out that I save $140 a year).

  18. I wish you luck and you will get over this.

  19. Glad you scored on the drugs and that the visit was not too traumatic.

  20. It was definitely a big step in the right direction, David! :)

  21. Big hugs to you, DD.
    Hope you're feeling yourself again soon!

  22. Just hang in there girl! That was definetly a step in the right direction! Maybe things will now change for you. Finding the problem is the first huge step!


  23. DD and others --

    My husband has been on Prozac for years. A few years ago my insurance coverage stopped covering name brand drugs for which generics are available, so he switched to generic. Well, it doesn't work so we've been paying full price for Prozac ever since (along with his trying other antidepressants such as Lexapro which had intolerable side-effects).

    Recently he researched buying drugs from Canada. Our doc (a great guy whose practice is mostly low and fixed-income patients) wrote an Rx so this is all above board. We're hoping this works as there is a major price difference.

    (We're also buying our pet meds from Canada where they're a lot cheaper.)

    Hope this info is helpful to some of you. Antidepressants are both a life-saver and a bank-breaker.

  24. Good for you! (Insert pat on David's back here.) Keep us posted.
