
Monday, August 3, 2009

Skinny Pictures

These were taken in/around 2003 - after I had lost 90 pounds (which I've since gained back PLUS).

BTW - thanks again for the MANY supportive comments you all left last week regarding my "Crazy" post. I have vowed to call my doctor today and make an appointment to talk to him about my drama. I haven't been in a Doctor's office in over 6 years (they scare me to death), so wish me luck...

UPDATE: I have an appointment for Wednesday afternoon. Now I just have to show up...


  1. I sooooooooo know the feeling. You are Brave! We are in awe. We will by cyberly holding you hand.

  2. I am glad you are taking steps to change... I'm proud of you

  3. Look at that beautiful smile! Wow!

    I'm so glad you've decided to call your doc. And so proud of you. Never fear...just think of all us dust bunnies sending you positive vibes, and you'll be fine. You know you have our support! XOXO Beth

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Wow!
    You WERE HOT!
    Time to hit the gym again DAVID!

  6. Good for you David....
    Soon, you will feel as beautiful on the inside as you are on the outside. But I do know there is a really terrific and wonderful person on the inside is the time for you to know it.
    LB anon

  7. Yay for you, David!!! And remember to start slow (exercise-wise), don't go overboard, and find something you LIKE TO DO. There's all kinds of crazy sh!t out there, ESPECIALLY in NY, so have fund exploring!!!


  8. C'est moi, c'est moi LolaAugust 3, 2009 at 12:32 PM

    Awww, what a cutie! Not that you still aren't one...

    Just a note for the MD's office ('cause I used to work for one):

    Doctors PRACTICE medicine; it is part art, part science, so don't take a lot of guff if you get the stink eye after the BMI measurement. You're there to get help & guidelines on the path to wellness, not to be lectured. And don't be afraid if you have to remind him/her of that.

    Good luck DD, I'm sure everything will go okay. Best wishes!

  9. Pls go to the doctor. I have an appt myself on Thursday. xoxo Jessica
    My life would be less fun without your blogs.

  10. I'm glad you're going to your doctor and are not waiting until something bad happens and you have to go all the time. That gets old fast. So good for you for doing this!!

    I still like Bob's advice about walking and know it works!

    You're always a cutie patootie to me!! Always!


  11. No judgements here David. I have my own weight issues as well. Good luck at the docs.

  12. Tranny...ya, these pix are nice and your fantastic smile is always gthe same....but I love ya no matter what!!!! I'm glad you are finally taking your ass to the dr.!!!!!!


  13. I am glad you are seeing the MD.
    I am afraid of them also...
    but I want you to be happy.
    Baby steps...
    Love from Portland!

  14. What Joy said!

    It's so true that knowing is definitely better than not knowing when it comes to health issues . . . and that's coming from a huge hypochondriac. (Not sure if that increases or decreases my credibility?)

  15. You can't disappoint us by *not* showing up now.... :)


  16. David Darling,

    You are ALL KINDS OF GORGEOUS, in these skinny photos AND when I saw you at DDBW. Believe it.

    Good luck at the doctor's appt today! Keep us posted.

