
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

9/9/09 - A Day Without Cats?

Today is supposed to be "A Day Without Cats" on teh Innerwebz, but I didn't get the memo. In my opinion, you can never have too many pictures of cute kittehs.

I Can Has Cheezburger, of course, is fighting this blasphemy by posting their all-time best Cheezburger videos today. Caturday 4 ever!


  1. A day without cats is a day without litter boxes and hairballs and catfights and disobedience and I WILL NOT HAVE IT!!!!!

  2. A day without cats is like a day without breathing. I wouldn't survive without Winston.

  3. I told Sheeba about a Day Without Cats. I'd tell you what he said, but this is a family blog. What? It's not? Oh, okay. Sheeba said, "Fuck that!" What can I say? He's his mother's son. ;) XOXO Beth

  4. Oh, nooooooes! The interwebs is the only way I can get a kitty fix (allergic and all). I also will not have it! Give Oscar and Dusty Winehouse extra kitty skritches to make up for this!

  5. anne marie in phillySeptember 9, 2009 at 5:39 PM

    how about a day without dogs?

    CATS RULE! I have 2, adopted from a local shelter!

    PS - found your blog via "kevin rants"

  6. If I had gotten the memo I would have had an all cats, all day blog-a-thon! Fuckin' h8ters!
