
Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Air-Kisses and Bye-Byes to Miss Ginger!

Miss Ginger (above, with Dusty Winehouse) was in town for one more night last night, so we met for dinner. I mentioned that former Top Cheftestant Leah Cohen's restaurant was right down the street from my job - and Ginger offered to buy - so we headed over to Centro Vinoteca.

If I recall correctly, I MAY have said some less-than-polite things about Leah Cohen (below) in my Top Chef recaps. Possibly. But I have to give her credit, Centro Vinoteca was great. It was casual yet chic, and upscale without being pretentious. And the food was delicious.

Of particular note were the fantastic Truffled Deviled Eggs. They pretty much ROCKED...

After dinner, we walked over to the High Line and took in the views of the city as the sun set. It was gorgeous and the weather was perfect.

After we left the High Line, we continued walking. And before we knew it we had walked the entire 2 1/2 miles back to midtown! So we said our goodbyes and I headed home. But I can't wait for that crazy biatch to return to NYC - Ginger is truly the life of the party and the perfect dinner and/or Go-Go Bar companion.

Check out Ginger's take on the evening HERE.


  1. Leah has a restaurant and it's good?
    Who knew?

    Sounds like you and Miss G had a lovely night, and the views from the High Line are wonderful.

    Lovely weekend I'm sure.


  2. I had a great time! I love hanging out with you!!!

    If you follow the link of the review I found of Centro Vinoteca on my posting, it lists Leah as the SOUS Chef, not the HEAD Chef. Unless she got promoted after Top Chef. For showing that she knows a lot about head!

  3. What a great time! Thanks for sharing the story and photos!

  4. Hmmm, Centro Vinoteca? :)


  5. Little Dusty Winehouse is quite social, isn't she? I look forward to meeting her.

    The view is spectacular from the High Line! Glad the Centro Vinoteca was a pleasant surprise. How 'bout that?

  6. Love the pic of Miss G. and Dusty. Awww. :) XOXO

  7. Glad you had such a great time with Miss G, I can tell you are both sorry the fun had to end. I am sure there will be many more :o)

  8. Looks like the two of you had a nice last night together, and those deviled eggs look devine! Of coarse, I'm not eating again till like next Monday!

  9. You're 'date' with Miss Ginger sounds great, including the long walk along the High Line.

    Can't wait to see you, Miss Ginger, and lots of other Dust Bunnies at DDBW2!!
